Vampyr, on 2014-June-20, 05:53, said:
I am not sure that showing 2 is better than showing the lower ace; however neither method is ideal when you have two voids.
a tiny adjustment (using relays) makes the 4n specific ace showing hand work ideally AND sometimes allow for the
location of the right side ace AND the KING of ones long suit.
over 4n
5c = none or club ace
5n asks for club A
6c = no
6d = yes and let p place the contract
Anything else is to play (however if you have the KING in the suit bid then raise to the next level).
*(I know I KNOW the one day p uses this system they will hold AQJT9876543 x x void and when you raise to 6 with your
lonely spade K you will go down in flames and try to blame me).
5d = diamond ace maybe (S or H or C)
5N asks for the club ace
6c = no
6d = yes and let partner place the contract
5h/s to play *
6c/d/h/s to play I would not raise to 7 unless the suit was diamonds and I held the AK
5h = heart ace maybe (S or C)
5s = to play*
5n = asks for the club A
6c = no
6d = yes and let partner place the contract
6c/d/h/s to play I would not raise to 7 unless the suit is hearts and I held the AK
5s = spades and maybe ©
5N asks for club A
6c = no
6d = yes and let p place contract
6c/d/h/s to play I would not raise to 7 unless the suit is spades and I held the AK
5N 3 aces and no voids this will not always let p bid a grand but there is a really
great chance they can and maybe safely bid 7n as well.
6C 3 aces and a void similar in concept but the chances of 7n are somewhat diminished due
to the void and p should settle for 7 of a suit.
The above has contracts that cannot be reached but the ones it reaches it reaches safely and
it covers a huge range of highly distributional hands and even safely allows opener to go on
fishing expeditions with 11 trick hands that would be very tough to bid otherwise. Being able
to use this system rather than using 2c followed by showing ones suit followed by GSF cuts down
a TON on interference bidding and (hopefully) sacrifices since we are starting at a very high