Liversidge, on 2019-January-15, 02:50, said:
On a recent post I asked how I should have responded. The general consensus was that partner should have reversed into hearts and I should not have passed with 3 card sopport and 9 HCP. We found the BBO responses very helpful.
Last night (playing duplicate) we had a similar situation. The bidding went 1
♥. Partner had 6 hearts and 17 HCP. I had
♣964. With my 7 HCP and 10.5 losers I passed. We made 5
I ran the hand through Jack, which bid 4
♥ and made 11 tricks. That surprised me. Should I have bid game? Am I still being too conservative?
I assume you are playing Acol, ..., due to bidding 1S instead of raising the 1H opening.
I would have passed with your hand, an additional Queen would not have changed a lot, I only count 5HCP,
the 4333 shape is a minus.
Finally making 11 tricks, could be due to anything the good feature, the responding hand has 2 entries.
On a side note: It seems you are using the LTC for hand evaluation. The LTC works fine, but if you hold a bal. hand
it is better / more precise to look at cover cards instead of loosers.
You have 1 cover card, the Ace of hearts (maybe 1.5), a jump rebid showes a hand with roughly 6 (at most 5) loosers,
you need 2-3 cover cards for partner, so you should pass.
Acol used to make thee jump suit rebid on fairly light opener hands ( at the time I learned it, ... 20 years ago, so this
may or may not have changed), if you strength the requirement, you need to adjust the estimation.
With kind regards