generate 1000 vulnerable NS dealer north north2s= spades(north) >=5 && hcp(north) >=8 && hcp(north) <=13 && not shape(north, any 5422, any 5332) north2h= hearts(north) >=5 && hcp(north) >=8 && hcp(north) <=13 && not shape(north, any 5422, any 5332) north2d= diamonds(north) >=5 && hcp(north) >=8 && hcp(north) <=13 && not shape(north, any 5422, any 5332) condition north2s || north2h || north2d action printpbn
Dealer Scripts, summarised
Posted 2014-May-02, 17:48
Posted 2014-May-25, 14:21
I didnt play them and unfortunatly they have all the same board number. It seems all i can do is export them one by one.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2014-August-30, 06:05
N: 11-22PC, 5+♥
S: 3-6PC, 3-4♥ OR 7-11PC, <4♠ AND <3♥
N: 11-22PC, 5+♠
S: 3-6PC, 3-4♠ OR 7-11PC, <3♠
This is my code :
produce 50 dealer north 1h = ( hcp(north)>=11 && hcp(north)<=22 && hearts(north)>=5 ) 1s = ( hcp(north)>=11 && hcp(north)<=22 && spades(north)>=5 ) 1nAh = (hcp(south)>=3 && hcp(south)<=6 && hearts(south)>=3 && hearts(south)<=4) || (hcp(south)>=7 && hcp(south)<=11 && hearts(south)<3 && spades(south)<4) 1nAs = (hcp(south)>=3 && hcp(south)<=6 && spades(south)>=3 && spades(south)<=4) || (hcp(south)>=7 && hcp(south)<=11 && spades(south)<3) condition 1h && 1nAh || 1s && 1nAs action printpbn
What's wrong here ?
Posted 2014-August-30, 15:24
Ivan696, on 2014-August-30, 06:05, said:
N: 11-22PC, 5+♥
S: 3-6PC, 3-4♥ OR 7-11PC, <4♠ AND <3♥
N: 11-22PC, 5+♠
S: 3-6PC, 3-4♠ OR 7-11PC, <3♠
This is my code :
produce 50 dealer north 1h = ( hcp(north)>=11 && hcp(north)<=22 && hearts(north)>=5 ) 1s = ( hcp(north)>=11 && hcp(north)<=22 && spades(north)>=5 ) 1nAh = (hcp(south)>=3 && hcp(south)<=6 && hearts(south)>=3 && hearts(south)<=4) || (hcp(south)>=7 && hcp(south)<=11 && hearts(south)<3 && spades(south)<4) 1nAs = (hcp(south)>=3 && hcp(south)<=6 && spades(south)>=3 && spades(south)<=4) || (hcp(south)>=7 && hcp(south)<=11 && spades(south)<3) condition 1h && 1nAh || 1s && 1nAs action printpbn
What's wrong here ?
produce 50 dealer north n1 = ( hcp(north)>=11 && hcp(north)<=22 && hearts(north)>=5 ) n2 = ( hcp(north)>=11 && hcp(north)<=22 && spades(north)>=5 ) s1 = (hcp(south)>=3 && hcp(south)<=6 && hearts(south)>=3 && hearts(south)<=4) || (hcp(south)>=7 && hcp(south)<=11 && hearts(south)<3 && spades(south)<4) s2 = (hcp(south)>=3 && hcp(south)<=6 && spades(south)>=3 && spades(south)<=4) || (hcp(south)>=7 && hcp(south)<=11 && spades(south)<3) condition n1 && s1 || n2 && s2 action printpbn
Posted 2014-August-30, 17:18
Ivan696, on 2014-August-30, 06:05, said:
N: 11-22PC, 5+♥
S: 3-6PC, 3-4♥ OR 7-11PC, <4♠ AND <3♥
N: 11-22PC, 5+♠
S: 3-6PC, 3-4♠ OR 7-11PC, <3♠
This is my code :
produce 50 dealer north 1h = ( hcp(north)>=11 && hcp(north)<=22 && hearts(north)>=5 ) 1s = ( hcp(north)>=11 && hcp(north)<=22 && spades(north)>=5 ) 1nAh = (hcp(south)>=3 && hcp(south)<=6 && hearts(south)>=3 && hearts(south)<=4) || (hcp(south)>=7 && hcp(south)<=11 && hearts(south)<3 && spades(south)<4) 1nAs = (hcp(south)>=3 && hcp(south)<=6 && spades(south)>=3 && spades(south)<=4) || (hcp(south)>=7 && hcp(south)<=11 && spades(south)<3) condition 1h && 1nAh || 1s && 1nAs action printpbn
What's wrong here ?
I played around with this earlier, including the variable name suggestion above. I am a bit puzzled. I would see if you can get each type to work separately. Once you get each to work, then try combining. If you have trouble with each, continue to narrow it down.
Posted 2017-August-29, 11:21
Hi. Can someone help me by providing scripts for random Preempt and weak two hands for practicing? I see a couple that has specific for leaping Michael's, takeout, etc... But I'd like totally random if possible..
Thank you!!

Posted 2017-August-29, 11:48
jonapier, on 2017-August-29, 11:21, said:
Thank you!!

Show me what you've tried so far and I'll be happy to try to debug it for you...
Posted 2018-July-01, 21:59
(hcp(west)>=12 and (clubs(west)>hearts(west) and clubs(west)>spades(west) and ((clubs(west)>diamonds(west) or shape(west, any 4333)) and shape(north, 5x5x + 6x5x + 6x6x + 7060) and hcp(north)>9)))
(hcp(west)>=12 and (diamonds(west)>hearts(west) and diamonds(west)>spades(west) and ((diamonds(west)>clubs(west) or shape(west, 3244 + 2344 + 1444 +4144)) and shape(north, 5xx5 + 6xx5 + 6xx6 + 7006) and hcp(north)>9)))
((hcp(west)>=12 and (hearts(west)>spades(west) and hearts(west)>=diamonds(west) and hearts(west)>=clubs(west) and hearts(west)>=5) and shape(north, 5xx5 + 6xx5 + 6xx6 + 7006) and hcp(north)>9))
((hcp(west)>=12 and (spades(west)>=hearts(west) and spades(west)>=diamonds(west) and spades(west)>=clubs(west) and spades(west)>=5) and shape(north, x5x5 + x6x5 + x6x6 + 0706) and hcp(north)>9))
Posted 2019-June-29, 20:55

patiw, on 2014-May-02, 17:19, said:
generate 10000 produce 1000 vulnerable NS dealer north north2h=((hearts(north)>=5 && hcp(north)>=8 && hcp(north)<=13 && not shape(north, any 5422, any 5332) ) north2d=(diamonds(north)>=5 && hcp(north)>=8 && hcp(north)<=13 && not shape(north, any 5422, any 5332) ) north2s=(spades(north)>=5 && hcp(north)>=8 && hcp(north)<=13) && not shape(north, any 5422, any 5332) ) condition north2h || north2d || north2s action printpbn
should working ?
Instead, PatiW might try
# Fantunes 2D/H/S opener. produce 1000 vulnerable NS dealer north mediumShapely = 7 < hcp (north) and hcp(north) < 14 and not shape (north, any 5422 + any 5332) north2D = diamonds (north) > 4 and mediumShapely north2H = hearts (north) > 4 and mediumShapely north2S = spades (north) > 4 and mediumShapely condition north2D or north2H or north2S action printpbn
Posted 2021-March-04, 06:09
Rain, on 2009-April-16, 09:18, said:
In order to use the scripts, just copy/paste the relevant scripts when using new BBO's bidding/teaching table DEAL SOURCE ADVANCED Option.
Hrothgar's 4 ace point count
Hrothgar's Kaplan + Rubens Point Count
I have a created a generic LIN generator depending on the definition given. The tool (called BLINK) is available at the url -
Click on the hyperlink to access. drop a mail if you can't figure out something
Posted 2021-March-06, 20:21
Posted 2021-September-29, 12:49
I learned about it here:
Posted 2023-April-18, 08:14
I am trying to generate hands to practise 2♣️ Gazzilli bidding.
I have created the hands I need thus:
shape(north, 55xx) && (hcp(north)>=14 && hcp(north)<=20)) or
(shape(north, 65xx) && hcp(north)>=17) or
(shape(north, 56xx) && hcp(north)>=17) or
(shape(north, 54xx) && hcp(north)>=11) or
(shape(north, 5x4x) && hcp(north)>=17) or
(shape(north, 5x5x) && hcp(north)>=17) or
(shape(north, 5x4x) && hcp(north)>=11) or
(shape(north, 5xx4) && hcp(north)>=11) or
(shape(north, 5xx5) && hcp(north)>=11) or
(shape(north, x54x) && hcp(north)>=17) or
(shape(north, x55x) && hcp(north)>=17) or
(shape(north, x5x4) && hcp(north)>=11) or
(shape(north, x5x5) && hcp(north)>=11)
Now I need the following conditions.
1) when opener bids 1H (5/6♥️max5♠️max5♦️max♣️), responder bids 1S (max2♥️4-6♠️max5♦️max5♣️, hcp range 4+) or 1NT (max2♥️max3♠️max5♦️max5♣️, hcp range 4-10)
2) when opener bids 1S (5/6♠️max5♥️max5♦️max5♣️), responder bids 1NT (max2♠️max6❤️max5♦️max5♣️, hcp range 4-10)
Is it possible to create the appropriate syntax?
Thank you in advance,
Pietro (pgr73)
Posted 2023-April-18, 08:37
You also excluded some hand types from the 1NT response that I would normally expect to be included (i.e. 6-10 with a weak 6cm).
Personally I would first define the openings, then define/restrict responder's rebid, then define the Gazzilli 2♣ rebid. I have a previously written script for the 1♠ opening only, it looks like this:
Most of the code is superfluous for your question. I hope it helps anyway, let me know if it would be more useful if I took out the irrelevant lines.
Posted 2023-July-11, 13:42
Gerben42, on 2010-October-30, 11:44, said:
2-level opening bids:
( hcp(north)>=22 or
(( hcp(north)>=6 and hcp(north)<=10) and
( (spades(north)==6 and hcp(north,spades)>=5) or
(hearts(north)==6 and hcp(north,hearts)>=5) or
(diamonds(north)==6 and hcp(north,diamonds)>=5 ))))
1m opening bid + simple overcall
(( hcp(north)>=11 and clubs(north)>=5 and spades(north)<=4 and hearts(north)<=4 ) or
( hcp(north)>=11 and diamonds(north)>=5 and spades(north)<=4 and hearts(north)<=4 ) or
( hcp(north)>=12 and hcp(north)<=14 and spades(north)<=4 and hearts(north)<=4 ) or
( hcp(north)>=18 and hcp(north)<=19 and spades(north)<=4 and hearts(north)<=4 )
) and
(( hcp(east)>=9 and spades(east)>=5 ) or
( hcp(east)>=9 and hearts(east)>=5 ) or
( hcp(east)>=11 and clubs(east)>=6) or
( hcp(east)>=11 and diamonds(east)>=6))
Posted 2023-July-13, 08:54