axman, on Jan 28 2010, 05:23 PM, said:
I should think that W should know [S had indicaated the intention bidding on once he changed suits so 7H could be foreseen and anticipated] at the time he chose 6S what he will do after 7H. As such, W ought to have been in a position to act in his normal tempo.
Well I am impressed that you would have foreseen and anticipated that RHO would not be stopped by the 3 level jump to 6
♠ to compete at 7
♥. And all that without breaking the tempo of the 6
♠ bid.
axman, on Jan 28 2010, 05:23 PM, said:
As for E's 7S. After 6S what sensible action is there? There are so many losers and no information as to what or how many are covered. E apparently came to that conclusion when he passed. And what is different after 7H? Nothing,
I don't agree bidding 7
♥ makes South
♥ much longer, reducing the chance of possible wasted values in
♥ West might have. It also suggests that the few
♠ left for N/S split with a void in South hand. It also suggests that more honors are located with South, in the right position to finesse.
axman, on Jan 28 2010, 05:23 PM, said:
other than if 6S is the field contract then 7HX is likely to not be a high score but probably the best available. And even if W has a source of tricks [it is likely that it's not enough to cover all the losers] it is far from clear that NS can't cash a minor suit winner.
However, given the sparse nature of E's honors it is unlikely that E has what W needs to make 7S a decent contract.
If 6
♠= is the referece score, that 7
♠-1 with or without X will lose 17 IMPS, Setting 7
♥X nonvul. will still lose 15 IMPs. Making 7
♠ can win about 13 IMPs. So even with odds 6:1 against making 7
♠ you only risk losing 2 more IMPS (to the 15 you will have lost anyway) but you gan gain 13 if it works. And this has nothing to do with West BIT.
axman, on Jan 28 2010, 05:23 PM, said:
As such, without UI 7S is extremely dubious; and with UI from W's tempo still dubious. But clearly, the tempo suggests controls and a long side suit and thus is the only factor that motivates 7S.
So I think you should reconsider.