A few bidding problems
Posted 2010-June-07, 11:37
1. ♠AQJx ♥x ♦QJ9xx ♣KQx
r/w lefty deals.
Agree with your first two actions? Now?
2. ♠Axx ♥A ♦AKQxxx ♣Qxx
r/r, you deal
1♦ was always unbalanced. You play takeout doubles and good/bad in this spot (3♦ shows a genuinely invitational hand). Your style is not to make a negative double with a minimum with heart length, but feel free to ignore that if you think it's silly.
3. (I think this is a wtp in retrospect, but I got it wrong at the table).
♠xx ♥xx ♦AQTxx ♣AQTx
r/r, lefty deals
4. ♠xxx ♥xx ♦xxx ♣KJTxx
r/r partner deals
2♦ was game forcing and while you didn't discuss this explicitly, you're 90% sure partner is showing 27-28 balanced.
5. ♠Txx ♥QJxxx ♦xx ♣KQT
w/w partner deals
Different partner, this time 2♦ didn't show anything in particular, but 3♠ was forcing. 4♥ was a serious (NS 3n available) semi-natural slam try.
Posted 2010-June-07, 11:55
2) 3♦, no problem yet really.
3) I'd just bid 4♦
4) OK changed my mind to 6♣. Over Quant this shows 5 pieces, right? p/c
5) Can't really identify which suit I'm trying in when I bid 5♣ but I don't think it's really a big issue, I'll just bid 5♣. Hope to be able to offer 6♥ later. I could just bid 6♥ now but that's just so pre-mature when we can do so many more useful things. I'm not saying I'm driving to slam. If partner rebids 5M we will stop short of slam clearly.
Posted 2010-June-07, 12:03
2. 3N.
3. 4♦ seems like plenty with the death holding in hearts. Nice balance pard.
4. 27-28? Odd range. 6♣ looks like the right value bid.
5. I don't know what a 'serious', "semi-natural" slam try is. Is it some sort of help-suit? Anyway, I think I'm worth 5♣ at this point, but depending on the definition, 6♥ might be a better call.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-June-07, 12:08
2) 3NT. I have 8 very likely tricks and I just don't see 3♦ being enough.
3) Partner's a passed hand, so this is a bit scary. I would guess hearts are 7-2-2-2 around the table. I'll just bid 4♦ as well. I think pass is risky here.
4) 5♣ - forcing IMO. At least we may be able to find a superior contract.
5) 5♥ - but depends so much on agreements.
Posted 2010-June-07, 12:30
2] X - partner will hopefully not find a 2♠ call as he was unable to make a -X on the first round
3] 4♦ and hope to survive
4] assuming 2NT was passble this is an impossible auction and you should treat these the same way you treat unilateral action auctions - PASS
EDIT: missed the comments and hand 5 I still PASS though
5] 4♠ not sure what partner was trying to show but at this point it looks like we are missing both a ♣ and a ♦ control.
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-June-07, 15:10
2. X then 3♦.
3. 4♦. Tempted to bid more. If partner has a doubleton heart I probably disagree with his balance (even though with this hand I'm delighted of course).
4. 6♣.
5. 5♣ but I don't think I understand the methods.
Posted 2010-June-07, 15:16
Posted 2010-June-07, 15:18
karlson, on Jun 7 2010, 04:16 PM, said:
Disagree with your methods but I'll defend to the death your right to play them.
OK maybe not to the death.
Posted 2010-June-08, 05:01
Opposite you and me, I could pass, but this partner was not able to bid 1 or 2 spade, but 4 and 5, so I would be careful.
2. Whatever shows the good diamond hand, I guess 2 NT/3 ♦.
3. 4 ♦ - I thought this would be my usual minority underbid.
4. Okay, so now: I pass. I have no fit yet and 31 to 32 HCPS. NO need to get too excited. I would bid 6 club with a sixt club.
5. Depends on system. If 3 ♠ shows around this strength, I may bid 4 spade now to limit my hand. But I guess I have no special agreements, so take the majority road to 5 ♣.
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2010-June-08, 09:02
kfay, on Jun 7 2010, 04:18 PM, said:
OK maybe not to the death.
KFay - the Patrick Henry of BBF.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-June-08, 09:30
2. I'd double then 3♦ normally, but if 3♦ is very strong then I try that.
3. Both pass and 4♦ seems normal, but IMO 4♦ is best.
4. I need more info on the 2♦ bid, it showed something already?, then I think I'd pass, 5♣ is a reasonable option also.
5. My hand sucks!, 4♠ now. Won't pass because if partner opens 2♣ with both majors he might have a big monster.
Posted 2010-June-08, 11:10
2. Double. I'll bid 3NT over 3♠.
3. Pass. I'll lead a spade and pray for them to go down. I don't like 4♦ or 5 or 4NT. At all.
4. Pass. Too little, there may not even be a club fit.
5. 4♥ is serious? Serious what? If partner is showing hearts I'd bid 5♥. If he's short in hearts 4♠.
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2010-June-08, 12:42
2. Double followed by 3♦ if possible.
3. 4♦. I don't really understand passing 3♥X when opps have 9-10 hearts and almost half the deck, and the suit is breaking for them.
4. 5♣. Slam is likely if partner has a club fit; I will pass 5NT.
5. 5♣. Have to cooperate with this apparent double-fit.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2010-June-08, 13:23
1. I passed it out. Partner had about what one expects (he must have a huge side club fit to bid like this after passing 1♦): ♠Kxxxx ♥x ♦x ♣JTxxxx. Amazingly, their spades were 2-2 and we were +100 to win 2 imps. I thought that I could have found a double here with such good diamonds -- really their tricks are only coming from trumps -- but of course if lefty had had short spades, they may well have made it.
2. I tried 3n. Partner had ♠KJxx ♥xxxx ♦x ♣xxxx. When diamonds were 4-2 I cashed out for -300 and lose 9. Double followed by 3♦ will presumably let you play it there, but you would also play it there opposite two or three small diamonds, so I still don't know the right answer.
3. I think everyone is out to lunch on this one. I also bid 4♦ at the table staring at the possible fast losers in the majors, but I really think it's a clear error. Partner is balancing red/red over 3♥ at imps -- I think he has a doubleton heart approximately 0.2% of the time. Given that, you need only a couple of keycards to give game play, so I think 4N is standout. Today partner had ♠AQxx ♥-- ♦xxxx ♣Kxxxx. Game is obviously cold, 6 is ok, and today all the cards were right so even 7 was makeable. Somehow +170 was win 1 I think.
4. I passed, fearing the lack of a club fit. I agree that in theory 5♣ should be forcing and 5N over it should be passable, but I was a bit scared of perpetrating such a sequence and I wasn't at all sure we could even make 5N if partner's clubs were really Ax or worse, Qx. Today partner had ♠Ax ♥AKJxx ♦AKQ ♣AQx, so 6N is on a hook on a spade lead, a little better on a non-spade lead, but the hook is on today. 6♣ can go down if you take the normal line of ruffing a spade since the hearts are actually 6-0. Lose 3 as teammates got doubled in 3♠ for 800. I'm happy with my pass -- given that 6 won't necessarily be cold opposite the best possible club holding, it seems like bidding is wrong.
5. Sorry, I guess this was a bad problem, since there was some confusion over the methods. I thought they were pretty normal myself, but I think the hand would have been an ok problem with any methods. Partner had ♠AKJxx ♥AKxx ♦AKJ ♣x. Maybe it's not 2♣ to you, but it can't be terrible. In any case, we failed to get to hearts after 5♣-x-p-p-5♥-p-6♠. I didn't like partner's 6♠ bid but perhaps I should have bid 6♥ either now or on the second round since it would be a more unambiguous attempt to play in hearts. Neither slam is fantastic, but hearts is much better than spades and could be made today. 6♠-1 was of course lose 10.
Posted 2010-June-08, 15:30