I guess to run the spade Jack.
It does seem like a complete guess to me. If the opponents are 3631/1633, the hands could be either way around. LHO did not lead a club, perhaps because he doesn't have a singleton, perhaps he does have a singleton but also has Qxx of trumps, perhaps he has a singleton but chose to lead from his AK thinking his partner can't have an entry.
RHO should have shape, but perhaps he is more likely to bid 6
♥ with a singleton spade than Qxx spade. I think that is the strongest indication for running the Jack. Maybe RHO is even 1651. With some of these hands he could have bid 6
♦ for the lead if he wanted to, maybe LHO has a singleton diamond and still led from his
Maybe a case for playing spades the other way is that you pick up singleton queen in the 3-1 breaks, but I will still play RHO for the short spades and run the Jack.
(Edit) If LHO does have Qxx spade, I will try to come back to hand with a club to draw the last trump.
This post has been edited by 655321: 2010-June-07, 23:04
That's impossible. No one can give more than one hundred percent. By definition that is the most anyone can give.