26/12.2010. as an avid Vu-Graph watcher.when it comes to teams playing,ok there is sometimes a mix up,due to the Vu-graph op....N/P
My concern is------- there are many players,be it national/cavendish,or a simple stars/world event.
as an example Star V World--who represents who,,,, without laboriously browsing.
my suggestion is.... J.Boggs {W}=World player and Shaun={S} that sorts the problem. STAR/WORLD
Now say Cavendish/or National/Int event... so many players are contracted to represent Example Lavazza or a Sponsors name,who might not even be playing--AGAIN an {? }initial would greatly assist,the HUMBLE Vu-Graph viewer.
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Team Names/pair Names Suggestion
Posted 2010-December-26, 17:15
Where it displays the team scores, I think it says something like:
N/S World 50
E/W Stars 25
Doesn't that make it clear which players are on which team?
N/S World 50
E/W Stars 25
Doesn't that make it clear which players are on which team?
Posted 2010-December-26, 20:29
Ty for reply---- displayed is world 14 stars 10--- then if one clicks all four names,it just states names,therefore one is none the wiser who is playing for which team world or stars- another annoying thing they all have stars
perhaps World should have a bigger star,or a world globe icon,befitting their hallowed status.and thinking about it for Psuedo experts a icon "devils face"

Posted 2010-December-27, 09:55
pirate22, on 2010-December-26, 20:29, said:
Ty for reply---- displayed is world 14 stars 10--- then if one clicks all four names,it just states names,therefore one is none the wiser who is playing for which team world or stars- another annoying thing they all have stars
perhaps World should have a bigger star,or a world globe icon,befitting their hallowed status.and thinking about it for Psuedo experts a icon "devils face"

Doesn't it display:
(NS) World: 14 IMPs
(EW) Stars: 10 IMPs
That's what I see when kibbitzing a team game. There are no Vugraphs going now (and none on the schedule until Sunday), so I can't confirm that it's the same.
Are you using the web version or the windows client? I'm using the web client. If the windows client doesn't include the directions, it's probably not going to get fixed, since they're not making any non-critical changes there.
I think it's always NS listed first, then EW.
Posted 2010-December-29, 07:20
IIRC the Windows client conveys this information by color-coding only.
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision"
-- Bertrand Russell
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-December-30, 11:01
You can change the colours in the windows version in the Options menu.
Wayne Somerville
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