cherdano, on 2011-June-11, 08:35, said:
I see you have several reasonable posts in this thread that got downvoted by the same poster. I don't understand any of these downvotes and it seems to be a good example of a misuse of downvoting.
Thanks for the implicit compliment

In the current system (public voting), one potential result of such behaviour is me hounding said poster and downvoting their posts. If we're lucky, maybe we'll each try to get friends to ruin each other's reputations. Not ideal.
In the system I proposed, I would notice my posts get downvoted frequently through what appears to be no fault of mine. Then I can go to a mod, who'll see "hey, these are all the same person!", tell me that was the case and possibly undo the damage / talk to that person. This way, a flame war (or a voting war) can't start.
Of course, so far I haven't really seen evidence of flame wars even with public voting, so I guess that's also a good solution.
JLOGIC, on 2011-June-11, 19:43, said:
Likewise, some people don't like negative/sarcastic comments. However, some of them are funny and useful. Perhaps it will stop people like me from being mean/trolling for the sake of it, and will lead to all sarcastic comments gone or being funny enough that they are worth it. Yes, these comments will be polarizing, but I doubt anyone is going to + vote something mean and unfunny.
The question is what are you trying to achieve. If you want to expand the user base for the forum, you must sacrifice some of the humour that might make people feel excluded. This is one perspective I don't think you have regarding these forums.
JLOGIC, on 2011-June-11, 19:43, said:
The rep system is here for our community, and our community will decide what gets plus and minus votes. If it causes people to stop posting things that they know will get minus votes, that's not a bad thing.
That really depends on the usage. If people are going to play favourites and downvote posters for disagreeing with their friends, then you really want people to ignore the rep altogether (as you say in a later post). Currently I can't say it's easy for me to know how correct an answer to a bridge question is based on the rep of the post (frankly, my own usage kind of screws it up - I upvote people who are trying to help me when I ask questions, clearly I'd have no clue if they're wrong or I wouldn't have asked the questions to begin with).
JLOGIC, on 2011-June-11, 19:43, said:
Perhaps instead of kenrexford saying "you must play this way" and getting minus voted all the time he would say "I know this is a non standard view, but I have often played this auction to be x."
This is something of a hijack, but doesn't kenrexford's title say he's a great theorist? Is the title sarcastic? I thought he makes a lot of sense.