pet peeve thread
Posted 2013-August-18, 08:46

George Carlin
Posted 2013-August-18, 19:54
PassedOut, on 2013-August-18, 08:34, said:

"I have CDO. It's like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order, just like they're supposed to be."
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2013-August-18, 20:20
chasetb, on 2013-August-14, 09:44, said:
Well, I like my pets better than I do most people.
Antrax, on 2013-August-16, 21:39, said:
If a wheelchair user was a passenger in the car and not the owner or driver, the car would not qualify to park in a handicapped spot.
Posted 2013-August-18, 20:54
Vampyr, on 2013-August-18, 20:20, said:
If a wheelchair user was a passenger in the car and not the owner or driver, the car would not qualify to park in a handicapped spot.
Just to be clear Steve Jobs of Apple fame always parked in that spot even as young healthy young man.....
pls do not discriminate against good looking rich single young men.
besides others need the exercise.
Posted 2013-August-18, 21:57
Vampyr, on 2013-August-18, 20:20, said:
If a wheelchair user was a passenger in the car and not the owner or driver, the car would not qualify to park in a handicapped spot.
Posted 2013-August-18, 22:07
Antrax, on 2013-August-18, 21:57, said:
I thought facebook was so yesterday....
The new new are robot cars are drivers, not you or handicapped.
Posted 2013-August-18, 23:45
Antrax, on 2013-August-18, 21:57, said:
Not in the U.S. The person needing the assistance of a wheelchair spot doesn't have to be the driver, but he or she does have to be in the car.
Posted 2013-August-19, 00:21
GreenMan, on 2013-August-18, 23:45, said:
hence the joke or proof....or joke.
Kind of miss the entire point. the law is a joke. people treat some laws as a joke.
Posted 2013-August-19, 00:42
mike777, on 2013-August-18, 22:07, said:
Posted 2013-August-19, 01:08
What a complete ahole, jerk in the worst sense of the word to his family, daughter, women, friends, etc. the very worst.
OTOH he made millions for people whose pension plan, retirement counted on him and he created jobs, many jobs for others. A great, truly great thing.
Posted 2013-August-19, 01:15
Antrax, on 2013-August-19, 00:42, said:
robot cars coming what do they say about that?
Posted 2013-August-19, 01:43
I totally await the day my son looks confused about the concept of "a parking problem".
Posted 2013-August-19, 01:55
Antrax, on 2013-August-19, 01:43, said:
I totally await the day my son looks confused about the concept of "a parking problem".
Personal computers are close to what a toaster is.
Remember the days when PC meant years of study and reading to use, I do.
I even hears rumors some day people will play or post on bbo on a phone, somehow.
Don't ask me how.
At some point I guess there will be a direct link between brain and bbo.
Posted 2013-August-19, 06:26
George Carlin
Posted 2013-August-19, 11:27
Posted 2013-August-19, 12:31
barmar, on 2013-August-19, 11:27, said:
The plate is permanent, the placard is temporary. If your mobility limitation is permanent or at least long-lasting you get the plate; if you expect to get better soon, e.g. you broke your foot, you get the placard.
Posted 2013-August-19, 13:08
GreenMan, on 2013-August-19, 12:31, said:
That's one reason. Another is if you're a two-car family, I think that's why my mother got the placard -- they could use it whether they went out in her car or her husband's. And she's stuck with it even after he passed away, probably out of habit.
Posted 2013-August-19, 14:03
barmar, on 2013-August-19, 11:27, said:
If I'm not mistaken it has to do with the permanency of the disability. The placards are short term, the plates are long term. At least in NY, where we have both. I don't know what the cutoff is.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2013-August-20, 03:52
gwnn, on 2013-August-19, 06:26, said:
I am sorry to peeve you, but as long as the english name for this country consists of two words, I think it is correct to capitalize the first letter of the name. (Maybe native english speakers can tell me whether I am wrong.)
I don't know why the country isn't simply called "Netherland" (singular, no article) in english, just like "Ireland" and "Scotland". I was not involved in the decision.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2013-August-20, 04:05

I think it's the same as 'the United States of America' or 'the United States' (since it is a plural, the definite article must precede it, you can't say 'I am from United States' or 'I love/hate those great/damn United States'). For what it's worth, government.nl and some style guides also use a small 't,' but I admit most Dutch people seem to like a capitalised 'The.'
George Carlin