And the winner is... The 2011 Posty Awards
Posted 2012-February-03, 23:32
Newcomer of the Year: Antrax
From a strong crop of new posters, Antrax stood out. His posts are reliably cordial and free of an agenda. When he poses questions, they are non-trivial; when he answers them, he is thoughtful and non-dogmatic. It seems clear that he takes advice to heart without following it blindly. He is clearly an up-and-comer, both as a poster and a player.
"Bridge in the Real World" Award: JLOGIC
Several posters had notable at-the-table accomplishments in 2011, but JLOGIC towered above them all with a year for the ages: high finishes in several nationally rated ACBL events, including his first win in a national pairs game, and a silver medal in the Bermuda Bowl, the most prestigious event in bridge. Currently ranked 64th in the world by the WBF, with a bullet. Oh yeah...and he's what, 25? It's almost scary to imagine where he might go from here.
Thread of the Year: Inquiry's "B/I Defensive Play" series
With this post, Inquiry started a series of threads, targeted at intermediate players, that covered a wide range of crucial defensive themes. They are uniformly high-quality problems: accessible, yet challenging enough to force an improving player to think logically rather than depend on well-worn cliches. Inquiry provided other posters with a blueprint for making the sorts of posts that really help aspiring players learn how to think about the game.
Most Helpful Poster for B/I Players: FrancesHinden
In a close vote, FrancesHinden is the winner in this category. Though an expert player herself, she consistently takes the time to provide thoughtful, informative answers to B/I questions. Going beyond simple poll responses and one-word answers, she provides B/I readers with insight into expert thought processes about all aspects of the game. Blunt, but rarely sarcastic, she successfully navigates the tricky territory between suffering no fools and taking seriously those legitimate questions that some other experts might ignore or view with scorn.
Poster of the Year: JLOGIC
All of the nominees in this category made outstanding contributions to the Forums in 2011, but in the final tally, JLOGIC is 2011's Poster of the Year, in the closest vote of all the categories. He manages to be both authoritative and flexible, a rare feat. He brings enormous real-world credibility to bear on a wide variety of topics; his cogent and penetrating posts can be found in any number of sub-forums. Having largely abandoned the "LOLs" of his younger days, he frequently takes the time to examine issues in greater depth than just about any other poster, and to persuasively argue why his way is usually the right way. A truly world-class talent who doesn't hesitate to share his knowledge, he is an unmatched resource in these forums.
Thanks to everyone who voted. I hope to repeat this every year; I don't post nearly as much as many of you, but I spend a fair amount of time reading the forums and have a deep appreciation for the contributions so many people make.
Dianne, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies... --Agent Dale Cooper
Posted 2012-February-03, 23:41
Posted 2012-February-04, 01:14
And congrats to winners

"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-February-04, 01:32
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-February-04, 03:06
JLOGIC, on 2012-February-03, 23:41, said:
You couldn't have done it without me - I voted for you. It's a good thing I did - otherwise Dave would have had to devise a tie-splitting procedure.
Posted 2012-February-04, 06:23
gnasher, on 2012-February-04, 03:06, said:
Unless you had voted for yourself instead of me then you woulda won. Thanks

Posted 2012-February-04, 07:02
JKW is now suggesting all winners must sign this code of conduct:
Congrads to all the winners, and Justin you continue to spur on the young players by your successes, honesty, openness, and availability, always much appreciated by everybody here!
Posted 2012-February-04, 08:58
Posted 2012-February-04, 09:53
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-February-04, 10:20
George Carlin
Posted 2012-February-04, 20:39
congrats to the winners. daveharty did a great job organizing this, and i think the results are remarkably accurate. thanks to everyone who has made BBF such a great place for bridge discussion, particularly in light of some new competition in the market. i still think BBF is vastly superior for bridge discussion for the normal BBO user, and i admit i hope it stays that way.
wd everyone
Posted 2012-February-06, 13:06
Thanks to Daveharty for his hard work, his diplomacy, and the original idea