Scoring North or South
Posted 2012-May-14, 04:41
In our club we use Bridgmates. After playing a hand it is normal for North to score the hand and then show the result to East who will accept the score displayed on the screen or not accept it. Is South allowed to score the board instead of North? We have one couple who prefer to use this method of scoring. Is it a law that North does the scoring and East does the checking or can South undertake this task? Dont't even ask about suggesting to South that they play North. Been there, done that!!
Posted 2012-May-14, 05:08
"Possibly because of some very old Laws there is an impression amongst some players
that only North is allowed to do anything. They assume he has to score, look after the
boards, put the board on the table correctly, move the boards and so on. Some people
ascribe further responsibilities to North, such as looking after speed of play, deciding
whether the board should stay in the centre of the table, and so on. How much of this
is true?
According to the Law Book, only moving the boards is the specific responsibility of
North [Law 8]. However, custom and practice, plus some local regulations, mean that
scoring is normally done by North or South, and checked by East or West."
Posted 2012-May-14, 05:16
If having South score is not illegal, and given that it really doesn't matter provided someone scores, I don't see why South shouldn't be allowed to score. Hell, why not let West check it for added fun!

Posted 2012-May-14, 05:16
London UK
Posted 2012-May-14, 06:15
Posted 2012-May-14, 06:24
Posted 2012-May-14, 11:33
But there is a good and valid reason why Only North (or Only South, if North so delegates) cycles boards. At least once a tournament, I get a "we're bidding from different boards" situation; almost always, someone cycled the boards and pulled their cards, and then the LotT does it and pulls out *their* hand. What the other two do is somewhat random. As this frequently leads to two boards being unplayable, it's somewhat discouraged. Yes, I know *you're* smarter than that and pay more attention, but your opponents aren't...
*including getting the TDs to do it because "you're there, and up". Unless you have a walker, you can get up. If you're late, I'll move the board that the new table needs to keep the game moving; if it's a real request and not a polite (and sometimes not even polite) demand, and you don't do it *every round*, yeah, maybe I'll do it; otherwise, "I'm sorry, I need to pay attention to that table down there." If it's a not polite demand, it might even get a not polite "No."
Posted 2012-May-14, 14:27
ahydra, on 2012-May-14, 05:16, said:

On the contrary, I don't consider this fun at all. If I'm sitting East I expect to be the one doing the checking regardless of whether North or South is entering the score in the Bridgemate. I find that people scoring South often do present it to West instead and consider it annoying.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-May-14, 15:01

BTW, I was north.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-May-14, 20:53
Incidentally, it seems clear to me(us) that South should score since he sees the world the right way up.
Fewer errors in keying declarer.
I suspect North as scorer started in America a century ago and nobody sort to question it.
This is not a hemispherical issue.
Now boards and movement cards are mostly numbered upside down. The horse has bolted, which is a pity.
Posted 2012-May-15, 07:23
gnasher, on 2012-May-14, 06:15, said:
I have been told off by opponents for scoring as South. They told me I mustn't, the Law says it had to be North. When I told them I did not think so they intimated I had no idea of the Laws. This is not an isolated case, it has happened to me a few times.
My partner likes to check the Bridgemate so I always indicate it should be shown to her. One particularly obnoxious North said "The Bridgemate says for East or West to check it". I replied, mildly [for me]: "My partner is East or West".
When I score I always ask opponents which one would like to check the Bridgemate.
Merseyside England UK
Currently at home
Visiting IBLF from time to time
Posted 2012-May-15, 10:42
Posted 2012-May-15, 19:09

Posted 2012-May-15, 19:27
Posted 2012-May-15, 19:42
inquiry, on 2012-May-15, 19:09, said:

This is a good idea. I am going to start doing this - partly because I'm currently playing with some new players so seeing the scoring can only help.
Posted 2012-May-16, 02:56
bluejak, on 2012-May-15, 07:23, said:

Sounds as if they know you David

Posted 2012-May-16, 03:06
George Carlin
Posted 2012-May-16, 03:23
gwnn, on 2012-May-16, 03:06, said:
The older ones do, but more recent firmware corrected this to say East or West.
London UK
Posted 2012-May-16, 11:01
Of course, almost all of my partners (in particular, all my female partners) refuse to allow me to score any more.
Posted 2012-May-16, 14:09
Vampyr, on 2012-May-15, 19:27, said:
I can't figure out what this means. I'm guessing there's supposed to be some implication of gender discrimination, but I can't see where you're saying it.