Opening lead
Posted 2012-August-23, 11:47
The auction was:
p - p - 1NT - p
2C - p - 2D - p
3NT - all pass
What would you lead and why?
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-August-23, 12:02
han, on 2012-August-23, 11:47, said:
The auction was:
p - p - 1NT - p
2C - p - 2D - p
3NT - all pass
What would you lead and why?
Either way, matchpoints or imps, I'm leading the J of diamonds. They don't have a huge overpowering HCP NT (passed hand), this is the least likely to cost a trick, and if declarer is scared of my estabished diamonds, he might take finesses into partner.
Posted 2012-August-23, 12:29
Posted 2012-August-23, 15:32
If you get the threat of diamonds set up, you also have pressure on declarer and maybe they can misplay even if they could make. They don't know the diamond count sometimes or that we have no entry or w/e. And of course sometimes you can just run diamonds or the opps are 2-2. Maybe the opps will duck one too many diamonds and we can switch, whatever.
On the other hand, the SQ lead might mislead partner, and if declarer knows that you have QT doubleton earlier on he will probably peg your hand type quite well and play it very well. The argument against this is that usually if the SQ lead is wrong the play/defense won't matter since we have 3 HCP with their suits splitting, so maybe this is a non factor. And if it's right, partner will know your holding usually.
I think double dummy simulations downplay the importance of these things, or maybe I'm just being too unwilling to change my ways from conventional wisdom! I could still be convinced that just going all in on your good spades because the situation is so desperate could be right, maybe I just need more time.
Posted 2012-August-23, 15:35
Posted 2012-August-23, 15:36
Posted 2012-August-23, 16:18
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2012-August-23, 18:01
Partner has the other honor, I will give an assisting lead.
Believe, insist on, Thanksgiving
Posted 2012-August-23, 20:26
Posted 2012-August-24, 08:23
Wortel, who thought that it was close between the spade queen and a diamond, argued that the auction showed that partner was maximal for his pass, and therefore was not so likely to have a 5-card major. Also, she thought that not leading a diamond was a swingy action, which she thought she wouldn't need in order to win.
Can we test this lead problem with a double dummy simulation? Finding the right specifications (what exactly does it mean that LHO and partner did not open the bidding?) is not an exact science, but with some effort reasonable specifications can be found. What is more problematic is the double dummy nature. If the contract depends upon finding the spade queen, the double dummy declarer will find it. For this reason I'd expect the spade queen lead to cost less often than in practice.
My double dummy results for 2000 hands:
Spade queen beats it 104 times.
Heart 10 beats it 41 times.
Diamond jack beats it 86 times.
Small diamond beats it 70 times.
It seems to me that the difference between the spade queen and the diamond jack is too small to be confident that the spade queen is best in practice. On the other hand, I think it is fair to say that the spade queen is a serious alternative, while the heart 10 was not.
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-August-24, 09:39
I don't think overtrick IMPs should be ignored here. Intuitively, I would expect the ♠Q to give an extra trick far more often than the ♦J and those overtick IMPs add up when we're talking about beating the hand only 5% of the time.
Posted 2012-August-24, 11:31
Posted 2012-August-24, 11:42
This Pszczola is a lucky guy to partner such a player.
Posted 2012-August-24, 11:49
I'd be more interested in knowing when a spade Q lead gives up the 9th trick without a fight, as opposed to when it it necessary to beat the hand.
As to Justin's comment, it would not surprise me to find dummy with Hx and declarer with HH9x in diamonds, where leading the J is necessary not to blow a trick. I think the point of leading diamonds is not necessarily to set the suit up, though it is nice that's a possibility, but instead to avoid blowing a trick when they rate to be in a closish 3N.
Posted 2012-August-24, 15:44
Posted 2012-August-25, 04:08
- hrothgar