The Sandwich NT gives the opponents the hand layout and general HCP distribution. This description favours a 5/5 distribution in the two unbid suits and 5-10/11 HCP. When the opponents choose to bid (in my books, stupid conventions), how can we use the information exchanged to our sides advantage?
Consider this deal:
South has the ♠ suit well covered and a singleton in the ♣ suit. Despite a minimum 11 HCP count, the South hand is suddenly worth much more after the Sandwich NT overcall. South needs to find a bid to be able to differentiate between
1. A hand happy to settle for the part score.
2. A hand interested in game.
3. A hand interested in slam.
So how will South do this?
How about this scheme?
1. A hand happy to settle for the part score: A simple raise from 1♥ to 2♥
2. A hand interested in game: Bidding the lower of the 2-suits shown by the opponents conveying this message, a) I have a fit with your suit partner, and b) I have one or both of the opponents suits shown well covered. Bid game if your hand is suitable.
3. A hand interested in slam: Bidding the higher of the 2-suits shown by the opponents conveying this message, a) I have a fit with your suit partner, b) I have one or both of the opponents suits shown well covered, and c) I have a big hand interested in slam.
Using this scheme, the Sandwich NT bid has given the show away. N/S will now find an easy ♥ game despite a combined HCP count of only 22.
So is the Sandwich NT another convention that should be dumped?