Partner and I didn't bid this hand well on Tuesday. We don't play together often, and obviously had different ideas about this sequence.
2♣ was Acol, artificial GF or 23+ balanced. 2♦ was a relay. 3♥ showed a solid suit and invited cue-bids. (I know there are more fashionable meanings for this bid these days, but we're traditionalists.)
Partner readily admitted that his suit fell short of the required solidity, but he decided to take a gamble. As we play cue-bids to show first round controls normally, I signed off in game. Partner expected me to cue-bid 4♦ with my hand.
I wondered afterwards whether East could have made another move, and how the auction should proceed. He could continue cue-bidding with 4♠, so West will now know that second-round controls are of interest. Alternatively, he could bid 4NT as a further try. What would this mean? It's not key-card asking, as we know about those. One set of responses I suggested was to cue-bid kings at the five level, or KQ combinations at the six level. (Shortages won't be shown, as West is not guaranteed to have any trumps to ruff with.) KQ in a side suit is a powerful holding on these hands, but the length is also important. KQ(x) would be less useful on the given hand than KQxx(x).
Does anyone have any agreements in this situation? Also, what would a 3NT response to 3♥ mean? "No first-round controls, but one or more seconds"? "No first-round control, but a singleton and at least xx in trumps"?
Any ideas?