You will discuss the bidding later but now you are in 6he, with a 2 of spades lead, showing 2 or 4 cards.
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Make it work
Posted 2013-May-25, 04:43
Is there an alternative to playing 3 rounds of spades (diamond discard) followed by a ruffing finesse in diamonds, then trying the trump finesse and then trying to establish diamonds?
T1-3: ♠A,K,Q diamond discard
T4: ♦K assume covered, ruffed.
T5: ♥Q
T6-7: ♦Q,J
If all follow
T8: ♥A
T9: ♦ ruff
T10-11: ♣A, club ruff
T12: diamond, club discard
If at T7 ♦J is ruffed by East, West having five diamonds and the ♥K, over-ruff and try to cross ruff the minors. This works if West is 3♠=2♥=5♦=3♣ (not indicated by the lead)
Since you can ruff at most one club, you will need 3 diamond tricks most of the time. If West has the ♦A, you will have to decide how to play trumps for no loser, either west having ♥Kx or ♥K or East ♥Tx.
You need both diamonds and spades 4-3, trumps 3-2 the ♦A with East and West the ♥K most of the time.
Chances are less than 10%
Rainer Herrmann
T1-3: ♠A,K,Q diamond discard
T4: ♦K assume covered, ruffed.
T5: ♥Q
T6-7: ♦Q,J
If all follow
T8: ♥A
T9: ♦ ruff
T10-11: ♣A, club ruff
T12: diamond, club discard
If at T7 ♦J is ruffed by East, West having five diamonds and the ♥K, over-ruff and try to cross ruff the minors. This works if West is 3♠=2♥=5♦=3♣ (not indicated by the lead)
Since you can ruff at most one club, you will need 3 diamond tricks most of the time. If West has the ♦A, you will have to decide how to play trumps for no loser, either west having ♥Kx or ♥K or East ♥Tx.
You need both diamonds and spades 4-3, trumps 3-2 the ♦A with East and West the ♥K most of the time.
Chances are less than 10%
Rainer Herrmann
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