Posted 2014-August-11, 05:36
1) Yes you need to bid 2♥. Even if they have 23 HCP between the two of them, your side has 17 (partner has 9). You should be able to make 2♥ or just -1 with the worst case of 9 points with partner. They will not dbl you with imp scoring, and also they might get pushed too high in ♦.
2) Have not read that book, so it would be a standard ♥ lead for me (the 3 of ♥, or 4th best for me vs NT).
3) I would dbl 5♦ in matchpoints for sure, since I have 2 potential defensive tricks sitting behind the stronger opponent, and partner better have something as well for bidding 3♥ on his own.
It is a tougher call in IMPs because partner could just be bidding to 3♥ with a long suit, so they might only go 1 down. In this case, the extra 50 points might not be worth taking the risk of them making it with a freak hand (♥ void somewhere and an ace covering one or both of your kings for example). Knowing what my partner could have to bid up to 3!h makes me shy away from dbling 5♦ in IMPs.
Also, I would not dbl 2!d. I think you need a bit more points to dbl, maybe another Q in a long suit would be nice. That keeps your partner from getting too excited. Do you really want partner to jump to 3N or 4♥ with 16 points and an unbalanced shape shape? Also, p will not bid his/her 3 card ♠ on your dbl, so it is unlikely you will find the ♠ part score if partner is also weak.
4) The bidding should at least go 1♠ - 2♦ - 2♥ - 3♦ - 3NT: I think 3♥ must show 5. You don't want partner going into an ace call after 3♥ and then landing up in 6♥ counting on getting some ruffing tricks.
Now it is important to see that an ace call will not help you! Suppose partner shows 2 aces (the best), but no ♦Q. Ex: If you play 4♣ (Gerber) - 4♠ (2 without ♦Q), then you are a little stuck.
Now think about what hands partner has to make 6NT a good contract:
First of all, you need a 5422 hand, 5431 is very unlikely given the NT bid, but 5413 is quite likely which is bad for you.
KQ♥, and 5422,
KT♥, and 5422,
K♠, K♥, 5422
K♠, QT♥, 5422
K♠, KQ♥, 5422
QJ♠, KQ♥, 5422
Then think about what hands partner could have to make 6NT a bad contract:
Qs in majors, 5422
QJ ♠, Qx♥, with or without J♣, 5422
QJ♠, J♣, 5422
K♠, J♣
almost all 5413 hands: partner could have a singleton♦, with Axx in ♣ to bid 3NT.
There are a lot more losing options here where 6 goes down. If your system is 4♣ gerber, then I might bid 4NT (quant) at this point. With 4 quick tricks, 2 cards in partner's long suit when there could have been 1, you can go for 6♦ (safer than 6NT in IMPS) or 6NT.
Now if you play 4♣ as cuebid, then you are golden: 4♣ (showing ♣K) - 4♥ (skipping ♦, denying a shortness in that suit) - 4♠ - 5♥ - 6♦ - (potential correction to 6NT)
If you play 4♣ gerber: 1♠ - 2♦ - 2♥ - 3♦ - 3NT - 4NT - 6♦ - (6NT)
If you play 4♣ cuebid: 1♠ - 2♦ - 2♥ - 3♦ - 3NT - 4♣ - 4♥ - 4♠ - 5♥ - 6♦ - (6NT)
5) double. If partner bids a suit at the 3 level, I will bid 4♣, showing support, strong hand, and ♣control. I could go down with 0-2 points with partner, but that is very unlikely compared to the utility of being able to reach slam. If my partner jump bids 4 of a major (showing at least a good 9 points), I will ace call and try to find the trump Q and A if needed for slam.