Posted 2014-September-08, 20:23
Partner is a passed hand and we hold xxx in their suit. If we have game, then we need partner to have some values and relative shortness in hearts, in which case he will strain to balance.
Double is just wrong.....we cannot handle a 2N or 3♣ response, and even without those foreseeable outcomes, we can easily end up -200 even undoubled.....I go back to point 1.
If I could enter the auction with a good likelihood of playing a partial in whichever of my suits partner bests fits (and game when he really helps) I would bid, but our methods (which seem ok to me) make that so unlikely, that really we aren't dealing with the usual mp/bam criteria which is about frequency of gain as opposed to size of gain. Clearly (to me at least) the odds favour being able to compete for the partscore and/or push them a level higher....but we don't want to play clubs and we can't play a partscore in either of my suits if I double (unless partner bids one of course, and if he has, for example a bad 3=3=3=4, he may bid 2♠ and still lose the board.
I would rather overcall 2♠ than double, and I would rather double than bid 3♦ but I'd rather pass and hope either that partner can balance or that he has a really bad hand.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Scoring is BAM, matchpoints on steroids for the uninitiated.
In case you haven't bothered to click the 2H bid, it's weak with hearts and a minor 54+. If you think it's relevant, teamies just play 3 weak 2s.
lebensohl, yes, so no scramble. and 3D over 3C or 2NT is GF.