PhilKing, on 2014-December-16, 18:42, said:
Nobody suggested double says "please take me out". The doublers are clear - it says we want to defend. But it is not an out and out penalty double. If you, on the other hand, are suggesting that double says, "please pass if you have a void heart, a 4063 and no defensive tricks", then fine. I am sure that is a brilliant agreement, since we are almost bound to have a 3433 shape, stuffed with heart values, that has chosen to respond with an artificial 2♣.
Sure, I could pass to suggest a GF 2-over-1 with decent clubs, but I no longer have that. I now have just the two bullets, almost zero prospect of game unless partner pulls a double, and an expectation opposite an actual opening bid that they will go down if pard passes a double.
In case you missed it, my last previous statement you quoted had a bit of my usual sarcasm.
In a forcing pass situation and assuming no special agreements there is a big difference between double in second and fourth position.
I do not share your view how frequently South should Pass, DBL or bid on.
For me if I do
not pass in second position when pass would be clearly forcing, means I have a strong opinion whether the partnership should defend or not.
Pass for me essentially means I have doubts what is best and I admit I do have doubts here.
The point is, if South always passes when in doubt, North may have a clear decision. If both have doubts, North's decision will on average be no worse than South.
Even if either South or North each will be in doubt in a majority of cases, it may well be that only in a minority of cases both will be in doubt on the same deal and this ensures that always the one, who has a clear decision to take will be in charge.
It is true that South hand has not been improved by the bidding. It has diminished in value.
Nevertheless I dislike the double.
You believe South should DBL in a game forcing situation if our game chances look dubious.
I believe South should only double if he also believes 4
♥ will not make.
It is a fallacy to assume the second one follows from the first. It does not.
East jump to game vulnerable does not sound to me as an advanced sacrifice. It sounds to me that East is expecting to have good chances for a make.
What does South have?
Certainly no surprises.
♥K sounds worthless on offense but on the bidding looks worthless on defense too and aces are as useful on defense as on offense.
The fact that East - West is bidding without the
♥K tells you, their fit will be huge and their hands distributional.
In a nutshell South has two defensive tricks, no more and no less and this assumes no voids by East / West.
Assuming no game for our side what guarantees do you have that in this case partner will contribute another two tricks for the defense after this bidding?
What chances do you have beating the contract if the
♥K is in the slot?
If that is the case might partner not double if you pass?
I have never said North is blameless and yes North should overrule South DBL.
But undoubtedly South DBL makes the decision for North much harder, since at least in my view South has voiced a strong opinion and North may conclude South knows more about the deal than he does.
Over South Pass North has no problem. He will bid on.
Rainer Herrmann