Posted 2015-February-17, 16:21
I think that the first decision is clear. At mps, there is zero reason to bid a thin game and any game rates to be thin with our hand.
On the second point, I wouldn't double 4♣ at imps, but the auction is unusual, in that most players faced with a double of partner's pre-empt will not pull that stunt of passing and then bidding 4♣. Thus, regardless of the merits of doing so on this hand, at mps, I expect the auction to have gone differently at most tables.
If we are being allowed to play 3♥ most of the time, I pretty much have to double, which has two ways to win and one (big) way to lose, and one way to break-even. If we beat it 2 tricks, we do very well. If partner has a super-max for 3♥ with a stiff club, he can pull maybe to a making game. Obviously we lose big if they make, and we break even if there is no or little difference between +50 and +100.
Otoh, if the field was bidding 4♣ immediately, then we are really at the mercy of what partner would do. I upvoted Timo's post, but would not double again if LHO had raised immediately and the auction came back to me. I don't think the sequences are at all identical, since on the second one, I have passed 3♥ and doubled the balance, which is more suggestive of defending than the last sequence.
Again, at imps, they get to play 4♣ anytime they want to, undoubled.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
After (3♣) _X (_P) 3♥ (_P) ??: Pass = 10; 4♥ = 9
For 2nd question assume you passed 3♥.