1♠ wasn't alerted, on the convention card (which nobody looked at till the end of the auction), it says they bid their 3rd best suit, but W didn't think E had read that bit as this would have been the first strong club anybody had played at this club for years.
3♦ went -1 when the trumps failed to break.
I (S) contended that with a correct alert, I wouldn't have bid 3♦ as I'd have wanted to keep spades as a possible contract with partner's diamond holding potentially getting smaller as his spade holding got bigger, and also with the possibility of a big misfit for EW P is in the picture, but any of P/X/2♠ would have been in the frame.
What does N do if S doubles ? I guess most of the time he bids 2♠.
If you evaluate 2♥ by W (doubled or not), how many tricks do you think it makes ? I'm guessing the A♦ is led, do you then find ♣Ax ?
The scoring is actually Butler pairs, so I guess in practice (I know this is theoretically not the right way to do it) you just give NS something like +100 to cover the mixture of +140/+110/+100/-110/-140 (I'd probably ignore the very small bits of +200/-670/-870) as the precise number is not very important, but consider the (weighted) MP adjustment. There was actually no adjustment made as we were second a long way behind first and opps were nowhere, with the playing director knowing that before he came to rule after the event.