phil_20686, on 2015-October-13, 05:12, said:
So BZ is the pair which have been accused according to proper WBF protocol. As far as I know, none of the evidence that BB presented to the WBF has been made public, but when they were dis-invited people went looking for evidence. BB has only released evidence about 3 pairs FN, FS, and PS, and they all look obviously guilty. If you don't like what has happened with BZ, surely that means that you are being critical of the WBF, not the "lynch mob"? I took the "lynch mob" to refer to BB et al, but perhaps they were referring specifically to the people looking for evidence about BZ, in which case their statement was terribly worded.
Have you read what has been posted on BW about BZ? Brogeland has been silent since shortly after the credentials of BZ were withdrawn and Kit has been a voice of reason, but the lynch mob has been out in full force. Many have posted that Poland has no right to the BB title, as if BZ had been firmly convicted of cheating, yet there has been zero persuasive evidence so far (other than persuasive to those already convinced). I see that Ben has suggested, on this site, that a correlation has been tested with respect to showing a 5 card suit, but I also note that Helene has observed that the same gesture is used when declaring, which is either a very subtle way of covering for cheating or a sign that maybe the signal isn't a signal.
In any event, this alleged signal hypothesis is merely the latest in numerous ideas that have been proposed, all identified by looking at video with the certain pre-knowledge that cheating is going on, and thus every time there appears to be some correlation between a gesture and a holding, it is pronounced as evidence of cheating and then seized upon by some posters as proof of cheating.
The only possible criticism of the WBF in terms of BZ (note, I am not talking about the problems with FN or FS, about whom rumours and in the case of FS actual complaints had long been known and seemingly ignored or at least given insufficient attention) is that the process has not been transparent.
However, the WBF has procedures that, like it or not, need to be followed. It is virtually unheard-of for disciplinary investigations and initial prosecutorial decisions to be made publicly. This is for a number of sound policy reasons. The WBF can really do little more than tell us that it is looking into the situation. I hope and assume that it is.
If and when it turns out that the WBF has re-buried its head in the sand, then I will be critical of the WBF in re BZ. For now, I prefer to think/hope that the WBF has received and is reacting to a very loud wakeup call.
In the meantime, while people are welcome to spend countless hours of their time reviewing BZ video and testing hypotheses, I really wish that those who claim that BZ ARE cheaters would step back and realize the damage they are doing to the game, and BZ, should it turn out that BZ are not cheaters.
Btw, my views on this will not be altered should it turn out that there is convincing evidence of cheating. The problem I have is the attitude that it is sufficient, to ruin someone's life, to make the accusation. After all, it is entirely possible to say: we suspect cheating, we may be wrong, but here is how we are looking into it. What we get, on BW anyway, is a lot of 'BZ are obviously cheating and anyone who suggests that the evidence is lacking is a partisan advocate unwilling to recognize the truth'.
Ask: what evidence, and one is met with a deluge of contradictory, internally inconsistent anecdotes. That is wrong. That is what I criticize. That is what the WBF, which is organizationally ill-prepared to be open to the public on such matters, seems to be trying to cool down.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari