BudH, on 2016-February-24, 21:41, said:
in the statement of claim (but always subject to any other requirement of this law)."
From ACBL Duplicate Decisions: "It is presumed that trumps are played from the top down."
From ACBL Tech. Files: "With this in mind, the following are given as guidelines concerning claims:
A. The order of play of non-trump suits should be the worst possible
for claimer (although play within the suit is normally from the
top down).
B. Declarer may never attempt to draw any trumps of which he was
likely unaware, if doing so would be to his advantage.
C. It is considered a normal play for declarer to take a safety check
with a "high" trump.
D. Declarer should not be forced to play the remainder of his trumps
to his disadvantage if both opponents have shown out of the suit.
(Directions - July/October, 1992)
I used the word "regulation" for a reason. Guidelines are not regulations.