Auction: 1C (1H) 1S (2H); x (p) 4S
(Roy is on your left, Sabine on your right, so you really don't know if hearts are 4-3 or 5-2).
Lead: s4, 2, Q,...
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Play 4S
Posted 2016-March-28, 19:19
Phil, on 2016-March-28, 03:55, said:
T62 73 AT3 AKJ52
AJ953 T862 KQ 64
Auction: 1C (1H) 1S (2H); x (p) 4S
(Roy is on your left, Sabine on your right, so you really don't know if hearts are 4-3 or 5-2).
Lead: s4, 2, Q,...
AJ953 T862 KQ 64
Auction: 1C (1H) 1S (2H); x (p) 4S
(Roy is on your left, Sabine on your right, so you really don't know if hearts are 4-3 or 5-2).
Lead: s4, 2, Q,...
So.. Cash♠A. Exit in ♥.
Assume defenders draw two more rounds of trumps.
Cash remaining trumps
If RHO discards 2 or more ♥s then exit, again in ♥s.
Otherwise ♣K, ♦KQ, and finesse ♣J.
Posted 2016-March-28, 20:43
nige1, on 2016-March-28, 19:19, said:
Can't see any cunning play.
So.. Cash♠A. Exit in ♥.
Assume defenders draw two more rounds of trumps.
Cash remaining trumps
If RHO discards 2 or more ♥s then exit, again in ♥s.
Otherwise ♣K, ♦KQ, and finesse ♣J.
So.. Cash♠A. Exit in ♥.
Assume defenders draw two more rounds of trumps.
Cash remaining trumps
If RHO discards 2 or more ♥s then exit, again in ♥s.
Otherwise ♣K, ♦KQ, and finesse ♣J.
When you exit a heart, LHO hops Q, spade to RHO who wins K. Heart back to 8 and A who plays the 3rd spade. You are 2=2=2=2 remaining.
Play on.
Hi y'all!
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-March-29, 07:57
Phil, on 2016-March-28, 20:43, said:
Play on.
Given that ratty overcall it seems here that clubs 3-3 is better than the finesse but there is probably a clever line that encompasses some of both.
(-: Zel :-)
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