barmar, on 2016-March-30, 09:27, said:
True, but, as the AC said, East could produce no evidence that they ever had an agreement. It is similar to the Reno appeal. An agreement is not an opinion by one side or an entry on one CC that this is the agreement. It is possible that East forgot that they were playing Gerber. It is also possible that there was no such agreement.
From: "Details of ruling:
In consultation with the CTD, I polled a number of players to learn whether the changed explanation would affect the lead decision in any way."
We can conclude that the TD has decided that there was MI, and we should accept that.
85A1. In determining the facts the Director shall base his view on the balance of probabilities, which is to say in accordance with the weight of the evidence he is able to collect.
Therefore we award a PP for failure to correct "one ace" to "no agreement". And I still think South should have had some percentage of a diamond lead. But no diamond leader has come forward yet and there are no votes for a diamond in a separate poll. Where have all the experts gone?
Finally one person leads a diamond in the other thread. From previous posts he is one of the better players!
This post has been edited by lamford: 2016-March-30, 13:48