Pula Point a board (BAM for those on the other side of the pond); Lead Q♣. East's card would be discouraging. If you cash the top hearts, East shows out on the second round.
Solid Slam PAB
Posted 2017-September-06, 05:38
Pula Point a board (BAM for those on the other side of the pond); Lead Q♣. East's card would be discouraging. If you cash the top hearts, East shows out on the second round.
Posted 2017-September-06, 08:56
Posted 2017-September-07, 05:02
The_Badger, on 2017-September-06, 08:56, said:
That was my plan. If you play ace, king and another diamond and ruff, West will over-ruff and play a spade. What now?
Posted 2017-September-07, 06:05
lamford, on 2017-September-07, 05:02, said:
You could duck the spade, playing west for both the QJ of spades or rise with the ace of spades hoping to drop a singleton Q or J spade with East (meaning that west started with six spades).
We know that East started with seven red cards and West with four, so there is room for west to have a six-card spade suit. But with six spades and six/seven points he may have found a bid on the first round.
I would guess to play a low spade on the spade switch.
Posted 2017-September-07, 06:31
Tramticket, on 2017-September-07, 06:05, said:
We know that East started with seven red cards and West with four, so there is room for west to have a six-card spade suit. But with six spades and six/seven points he may have found a bid on the first round.
I would guess to play a low spade on the spade switch.
West seemed confident with the spade exit, and I played for either player to have QJx of spades, by ruffing the third round, as the eight of hearts is still an entry. That seems slightly better than playing for West to have QJxx(x)
Posted 2017-September-07, 07:00
Posted 2017-September-07, 14:11
Let's say West returns a ♠ at trick four. Cash ♠AK and ruff third ♠. Play ♦K and remaining trumps. The end position is
I believe we can assume that West led from ♣QJ9. He is squeezed on last trump and last ♦ led towards dummy.
Posted 2017-September-07, 16:35
Tramticket, on 2017-September-07, 06:05, said:
Does the fact that West started with ♥Qxx and 2 diamonds change your analysis?
Posted 2017-September-07, 16:38
The_Badger, on 2017-September-07, 14:11, said:
Maybe a 2nd cup of coffee?

You don't need West to have QJxx - Hxxx (or Hxxxx or QJxxx) is also fine - all as long as he has the club 9, which I wouldn't take as a given - North denied a club control, hence leading QJxx is safe.
Posted 2017-September-07, 21:50
Posted 2017-September-08, 00:34
cherdano, on 2017-September-07, 16:38, said:

You don't need West to have QJxx - Hxxx (or Hxxxx or QJxxx) is also fine - all as long as he has the club 9, which I wouldn't take as a given - North denied a club control, hence leading QJxx is safe.
Yes, the ♣9 is the all important card. Well spotted that a ♣ lead was safe and that North had denied a ♣ control. By the time I had worked out the squeeze play, the bidding and the inferences the defenders would have drawn had all but eluded me. You're right: Maybe a 2nd cup of coffee needed