GrahamJson, on 2017-October-16, 15:25, said:
You can set up a hear, or get a ruff and discard, but it doesn’t help; you still need to find the club queen.
As east has one spade and probably seven diamonds if he also had a still club that would give him four hearts, probably to AK, certainly one of them. If so he might have bid 2H rather than 3D. I’ll therefore play a club to the king, hoping the queen falls.
You can choose what you do next if 9
♥ draws A or K, if he returns anything other than a low heart in tempo (which surely is automatic if he doesn't have both top honours, and if he's missing a heart honour he WILL have Q
♣), a ruff and discard allows you to take a ruffing heart finesse to discard the second losing club and trying to cash a second heart is immediately fatal. It basically loses nothing but puts him under pressure.
Agree with GrahamJson that It looks like East has 1♠ and 6+ ♦s.
Over North's 2♦, with 4 ♥s, East might double or bid 2♥.
So declarer should probably try to drop ♣Q.
But the Badger seems right that playing a ♥ at trick 2 gives declarer extra chances.
e.g. If RHO wins and gives you a ruff and a slough, then a squeeze could save you the bother of guessing the ♣s.