Posted 2019-November-20, 16:31
I've not seen a good player lead from Jx(x) on this auction: the Jack will destroy too many holdings, so I will trust that West has the club 10. If he lacks that card, I may end up looking very silly indeed.
Win in hand, cash the top heart, lest the stiff King be offside, then spade A, spade to dummy, heart up.
Now, if LHO has K10xx (or equivalent) in hearts, I am down, unless he has 4=4 reds...even if he ducks the second heart, he is under pressure when I run the blacks at him...we will have played 2 hearts, 3 spades, and 3 clubs, with a club left to cash, so a 5 card ending, in which he has to hold Kx Qxx (or the equivalent) and we have in hand void Qx Kxx with dummy void xx Ax A.
We cash the club Ace and pitch a heart. LHO has to keep his 3 diamonds, so also stiffs his heart: we exit the heart, with a diamond entry still in dummy. I'd love that if it happened.
Meanwhile, more prosaically, we have, assuming the club 10 is onside, 3 hearts, 3 spades, 4 clubs and 2 diamonds by this line, losing a potential overtrick if hearts behave with the K onside.
The alternative is to win in hand, cross in spades, unblocking the A, and hook the heart. Say it loses: back comes a club, and you're going to finesse anyway.
Say the heart hook wins...are you using your diamond entry to dummy to repeat the hook which, by the way, may be losing the second time. Although when you play a heart to the Queen, LHO may not be willing to duck with the King, since he doesn't know that you don't have merely AQx(x). Still, crossing again in diamonds to take the heart hook a second time only allows you to avoid the club hook when hearts are 3-2/2-3 with the King onside. Since I think that the club 10 onside is a virtual lock, compared to being able to play hearts for 4 tricks, I eschew that option and safety play the suit for 3 winners (while secretly hoping for the red suit squeeze on LHO...btw, if he wins the second heart and returns one, I translate the earlier squeeze into a Vienna coup variant:))
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari