Posted 2019-December-05, 17:56
If you open a soundish "rule of 20" or so, East has a game force, not a limit bid. This is a very good 11-counts with all points in the long suits, and no jacks. With 4-card support the small doubleton is worth about 2 HCPs.
On the other hand, if you open fairly light (so that West would still have opened if ♦A had been the queen), then West has enough to accept the invite. The singleton has extra weight when you have a 9-card fit, and two aces plus a king is above-average honour composition for suit contracts.
If you have a very sound style so that West's hand is an absolute minimum, then maybe 3♠ is ok, but otherwise West can always bid 3♥. Discuss with p what this means. It is the only bid available below 3♠ so maybe it should be a general game try, but on the other hand, p has shown a limit bid so it's a bit silly to ask if he has a half a point more than what he has promised. On this hand, it would be nice if it was a natural game try, but that is maybe not the most useful definition of the bid.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket