Board 3:
I doubled as I guessed my partner wouldn't have any spades. Was that a good idea? We ended defeating them and got a top but the other doubled table had the contract made resulted in a bottom.
Board 4:
We didn't find our game in ♥. Were we just unlucky? If I switched to a 4-card major should I open 1♠ or 1♥?
Board 6:
As I didn't want to play in ♦, I bid 2♥ wanting my partner to choose another suit. Was I correct or should I directly bid 2NT on my own? We ended up 2NT+3 gaining a top but the few tables who bid 3NT all went -1.
Board 8:
We ended up 2♦= getting 5/14 MPs. I thought my 2♦ bid might be a mistake and I should X the overcall instead, am I right? All other tables played weak 1NT and opened 1NT which normally ended up 2NT=, outperforming our 2♦=.
Board 9:
We ended up 4♠-1, the only table not making the contract.
I was the declarer, the lead was ♥6, I played ♥3 from the dummy. The defender returned another ♥ and ruffed. I took the third trick in ♣, passed to the dummy using a ♦ to set up a finesse of ♠K but it failed. If I immediately drew trumps using an ♠A, the contract would be made. Was it bad play or bad luck?
Board 11:
I responded 3♥ and my partner immediately bid 4♣, which I took it as slam interest. However my hand didn't have any interest to say (was I correct) and I wanted to stop him at 4♥, but despite every effort my partner raised to 6♥ and the result was the only slam bid and made across the field. All other tables went 1♥-1♠ at the beginning, stopped the bidding at 4♥ and made either 11 or 12 tricks.
When I started to learn bridge, I learnt to use 1♥-3♥ as a limit raise and 1♥-4♥ as a preemptive raise.
Questions here:
- Is 1H-3H commonly played as a limit raise nowadays in the UK?
- Is this hand slam-worthy?
Board 14:
As my hand was garbage, I suspect the opponents might have a game on so I bid 3♥ to silence them. We ended up 4♥-2 getting a shared top (13/14 MPs). If I didn't bid 3♥ at that moment, a ♠ fit would be found by the opponents.
Was my bid of 3♥ appropriate if I normally played limit raise?
Thank you for explaining all these to me.