mycroft, on 2022-January-06, 12:07, said:
To me, the role of the state is to do the things that are in everybody's best interest, but not necessarily in every *individual's* best interest.
If that is the role of the state put me down as a libertarian
When you say everybody's best interest we are talking some average across a population are we not?
I realise there is some weird theoretical thing called Pareto optimisation (something like that) where allegedly you can do such a thing in theory
A few examples of how to improve everybody on average. remove the lowest half of the population for starters etc
More seriously (as if my above descriptions of brutal fascism aren't serious enough) there appear to be forces in the world that think poverty (at least relative poverty) can be addressed by destroying the global economy on average. Its one approach
Can I also ask among the company of morons (

) why libertarianism is such a dirty word. I have been abused and insulted and accused of being right wing for believing in libertarian principles. What happened to the left?
What else. But surely people are happy being forced to live on their below poverty level universal handout with no chance of aspiring to be one of us
EDIT I realise of course I have fallen into the trap of the repeated endless extreme stuff without a real conversation

that's the problem with parades of morons. Allegedly dialectic makes progress but I don't see much evidence anywhere of that
EDIT 2 I do have very personal, genuine and legitimate reasons for my libertarian beliefs and health cynicism and cynicism over the greater good (whatever that means)