MPs, playing with an inexperienced (but not beginner) player. System is Acol with 3 weak twos, weak NT, little in the way of conventions. Would you bid the spade game or 3NT here, or something else (if so, what)?
Matchpoints, which game?
Posted 2021-September-15, 08:04
MPs, playing with an inexperienced (but not beginner) player. System is Acol with 3 weak twos, weak NT, little in the way of conventions. Would you bid the spade game or 3NT here, or something else (if so, what)?
Posted 2021-September-15, 08:43
If you wanted to be precise you could ask if 2♣ promises 6 at these colours, but at MPs I figure it usually won't. North has KJ9xx(x) at best, so the bid was probably not lead-directing. That increases the chance that partner has 2 clubs and we can take a double finesse in clubs - partner's likely shape is 5=2=4=2. Ideally we'd get partner to bid 3NT, but I don't see how to do that. So I guess 4♠ for me. I'm too worried about losing control of the diamonds in 3NT in our hand.
Posted 2021-September-15, 08:45
Posted 2021-September-15, 08:51
Posted 2021-September-15, 09:00
Winstonm, on 2021-September-15, 08:51, said:
Note system is Acol, partner would not raise hearts with 3 and a hand good enough for 2♠, there is still room for this, 4♥ could easily be a better spot than 4♠.
Posted 2021-September-15, 09:27
Cyberyeti, on 2021-September-15, 09:00, said:
Thanks. I have no experience with Acol so defer to your judgments there.
Posted 2021-September-15, 10:05
She went up with the club ace at trick one and played three rounds of hearts, pitching a club and a diamond when North ruffed low. She ended up losing a couple of diamonds along with the top spades. I think she should have either not played a third round of hearts or overruffed then try to engineer a diamond ruff or two. I think it should be possible to hold the losers to just two spades and a diamond. One pair was in 3♠+1 and the other pair was in 2NT+2. A four table movement makes the scores almost meaningless.
Posted 2021-September-15, 10:56
Posted 2021-September-15, 11:59
AL78, on 2021-September-15, 10:05, said:
She went up with the club ace at trick one and played three rounds of hearts, pitching a club and a diamond when North ruffed low. She ended up losing a couple of diamonds along with the top spades. I think she should have either not played a third round of hearts or overruffed then try to engineer a diamond ruff or two. I think it should be possible to hold the losers to just two spades and a diamond. One pair was in 3♠+1 and the other pair was in 2NT+2. A four table movement makes the scores almost meaningless.
The problem is in the play not the bidding, 4♠ is cold, overruff the spade and play a top diamond, you will ruff the third diamond and pitch the fourth on the ♥10
Posted 2021-September-15, 14:08
Posted 2021-September-15, 15:41
A 2NT rebid would usually show a strong NT hand (15+) and would be forcing to game because the two-level response shows 10+. However things are interesting if the interference forces responder to bid at the two level in a higher ranking suit. Some players would still rebid 2NT with 15+, which means that they would need to rebid 3H with a semi-balanced minimum and a four-card club suit as the second suit.
I prefer that 2NT shows this minimum and 3NT shows 15+. But this does make it difficult to check for an eight-card major fit after the 3NT rebid. Definitely a discussion to have with your partner. With this agreement that you need to bid 3NT with a balanced 15+, I think that 3C is best.
Posted 2021-September-15, 19:18
I think, more often than not, your small doubleton will produce the extra trick that makes the spade game better.
Now, if your LHO is one of those types who will forget the auction and lead away from KJxxx when you play 3N, then by all means bid 3N.
Posted 2021-September-16, 00:15
Gilithin, on 2021-September-15, 19:22, said:
It's not but it's quite close, I think a few pairs agree to shade 2♠ a bit in this sort of sequence, QJ10xxx, x, KQxx, xx I wouldn't argue with.
Posted 2021-September-16, 01:52
Posted 2021-September-16, 02:02
In this situation you "know" that partner has not got an opening bid. So they are limited to 11 hcp and don't have six spades. With an experienced partner I'd bid 3♣. With a beginner I'd hog with 3NT if trying to win matchpoints or bid 4♠ if wanting to give them practice.
Agree with AL78: Declarer should over-ruff the 3rd ♥ winner and lead a top ♦ making easily, as the cards lie.
However, GIB shows that the contract can still make, if declarer leads a small trump, instead,