Does a non playing team match host need to stay logged in to BBO during the match?
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Team Match hosting
Posted 2022-August-14, 06:40
Crawley107, on 2022-August-14, 03:21, said:
Does a non playing team match host need to stay logged in to BBO during the match?
It is technically possible for a match to complete or self-destroy if the host is not online. But it is recommended that if someone creates a team match they also stay until it completes, to avoid blocking the players into the game with no TD.
If you need to leave before the game completes, you can add one of the other players as a co-TD, so that they can "take over" the host duties. However, this should to be done with the player's consent, otherwise they might have no idea that they are co-TD and what they are supposed to do.
Posted 2022-August-17, 01:11
Crawley107, on 2022-August-16, 17:06, said:
I can't see how add a co-TD to a Team Match
You can only add a co-TD after the match has started.
Go to the Director tab and edit the running tournament (match). You will see a Directors column. Click the + symbol and add the BBO username of the co-TD. Then save this using the Modify tournament button.
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