Posted 2023-January-25, 15:46
I agree with Mike (not really surprising).
First board, I'm afraid to bid 4♣ because I'm afraid partner thinks I have Axx x Kxx AQJxxx or something. Of course it should be a cuebid, because 3♥ should set the suit (especially if they're off the K, it's AQJTxxx or so). But I'm not as confident in partner as he is... But the key is again, you desperately want to a) agree hearts and b) get partner to blackwood, which they are not going to do with two club losers (because you shouldn't be doing it with two losers in two suits, even if partner "has to have" something there). So if you're sure that a) has been done with 3♥, then b) will hopefully get triggered by 4♣.
But also, why 6NT? Is your club so strong that 6♥ on this hand will be below average? If you're worried about wrongsiding - and you should be - concede the extra 10 points and play the known good fit from the right side.
Second is tough. I am one of the benighted, so I'm stuck. But I think I would raise clubs rather than "insisting" on that motheaten suit. If partner then bids spades, okay, fine. Having said that, sort of agree with David after keycard - I'd have bid 5♥ myself, not wanting to be off an ace and the trump queen (even in a 9 card fit). KJxxxx x KJxx xx, maybe (yes, I know, but see above about "one of the benighted").
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)