Thought I had to share this one, partly for your views about how TD should proceed if called but largely for your amusement and any insights you may have about the peculiar auction.
I am sitting N with a decent but first time partner. EW are two old ladies who I have met before, extracting any explanation of their strong club system was near impossible. This time I'm a guest in their club and there is no certified TD, so I'm not making any waves. E fails to announce the range of 1NT, but that seems to be normal here. W bids 2♥ in tempo (no announcement or alert) and E raises to 4♥ without batting an eyelid, all pass.
Very strange. I guess they are having a transfer mishap whatever Declarer is up to, so I lead a heart and they make +1. Would I have found the ♠A lead with correct information (whatever that is)? I honestly don't know, but say I called you after play and claimed I would