Looking for Hand Generator and Analyzer
Posted 2017-June-23, 02:48
Although tbh DD analysis proofs nothing, I like the ideas and want to do some research on the subject.
Is there any useful free software available to generate deals which match a given bidding and analyze them on double dummy basis (like that used by the authors)?
Thanks for your help.
Posted 2017-June-23, 08:38
You don't give it the bidding, you give it a description of the hands (HCP, distribution). So you need to translate the auction to the types of hands that would fit.
This is the software we use when you specify hand criteria in BBO's Bidding Practice tables.
Posted 2017-June-23, 10:03
You can either input specific hands, or specify point counts, suit quality, distribution, or a combination of both in a simulation. It runs a double dummy analyzer that gives expected number of tricks, and can also determine which card is the best lead.
Posted 2017-June-25, 10:26
You have to specify the constraints for the unseen hands so it is a bit more work than "auction went: 1n p 3N"
You can try it w/this input to see how many times you'd take 10 tricks in spades under specific circumstances
predeal north SKQT32,H2,DQ32,CQ432
s = shape(south,4x5x) and hcp(south) >= 11 and hcp(south) <= 12
w = hearts(west) ==5 and hcp(west) >= 13
e = hearts(east) >=3 and hearts(east) <= 4 and hcp(east) >= 6
condition s and w and e
produce 10
action frequency "Game in spades" (tricks(north,spades)>=10, 0, 1)
Posted 2017-June-25, 12:21
# # Dealer Script print dealss and how many tricks NS make at double-dummy. # Uses Dealer by Hans van Staveren et al. # http://dealergib1.bridgebase.com/tools/dealer/dealer.php # produce 5 condition hcp (north) > 13 and spades (south) > 4 action printoneline (tricks (north, spades))
Which produced this output:
n KQ.5.QT9.AKJ8743 e 63.A9843.8753.QT s T9852.QJT2.KJ6.2 w AJ74.K76.A42.965 8 n K9.K942.AJ8.AJT5 e A62.JT83.K972.43 s J8743.6.Q6543.97 w QT5.AQ75.T.KQ862 7 n QT852.5.AKT3.AQ2 e K.AKT863.964.T54 s J7643.7.QJ52.J86 w A9.QJ942.87.K973 9 n A976.KQT8.A7.QT3 e Q8.J2.K954.A9652 s JT532.54.QJ3.J84 w K4.A9763.T862.K7 7 n KQ9.942.KJ98.AK9 e 2.KQT85.A732.J32 s AT763.J.Q64.QT86 w J854.A763.T5.754 10 Generated 95 hands Produced 5 hands Initial random seed 1498414231 Time needed 0.439 sec
Posted 2021-May-10, 17:39
dokoko, on 2017-June-23, 02:48, said:
Although tbh DD analysis proofs nothing, I like the ideas and want to do some research on the subject.
Is there any useful free software available to generate deals which match a given bidding and analyze them on double dummy basis (like that used by the authors)?
Thanks for your help.
You could try Bridge Analyser here:
It is mentioned in the book and was used by Taf Anthias for some of the initial analysis. Amongst other things it can deal hands to match constraints you set and do double dummy analysis based of fixed leads.
Posted 2024-December-02, 10:24
Auto-translation: "link requires a password".
I assume (having tested the links) that it's the one to dealmaster pro. Yeah, it seems like it's gone offline.
But we have more that have gone to link rot, so:
BBO Dealer.
Henk Uijterwaal's dealer seems to have been new-site-name-broken, but there is an (untested! I just saw a link!) "improved" version of it.
Adding the new hotness (FSVO "new", and "hot" for that matter), Thomas Andrews' Deal (if you want to learn Tk) or anntzer's Redeal (if you want to learn Python). Both are somewhat cumbersome to understand the formatting (for more than basic work), but after you do understand it, it's *very easy* to build new sims.
NOTE TO ALL: none of the links in this thread, literally NONE of them, should be used for making hands for actual games. They are *not* completely random, nor cryptographically secure. Use BigDeal. Seriously. Don't even think about anything else. If it's good enough for the world championships, it's good enough for you. And the security people have looked over it in detail, in ways that any other potential options probably haven't.
Posted 2024-December-02, 15:44
mycroft, on 2024-December-02, 10:24, said:
Auto-translation: "link requires a password".
I assume (having tested the links) that it's the one to dealmaster pro. Yeah, it seems like it's gone offline.
But we have more that have gone to link rot, so:
BBO Dealer.
Henk Uijterwaal's dealer seems to have been new-site-name-broken, but there is an (untested! I just saw a link!) "improved" version of it.
Adding the new hotness (FSVO "new", and "hot" for that matter), Thomas Andrews' Deal (if you want to learn Tk) or anntzer's Redeal (if you want to learn Python). Both are somewhat cumbersome to understand the formatting (for more than basic work), but after you do understand it, it's *very easy* to build new sims.
NOTE TO ALL: none of the links in this thread, literally NONE of them, should be used for making hands for actual games. They are *not* completely random, nor cryptographically secure. Use BigDeal. Seriously. Don't even think about anything else. If it's good enough for the world championships, it's good enough for you. And the security people have looked over it in detail, in ways that any other potential options probably haven't.
In your prestigious new role of moderator, might you move this topic (or copy your post, or whatever) to the Dealer script forum, for future memory?
Posted 2024-December-02, 18:51
You do know that my "prestigious" role was just assigned to me because Diana Eva was tired of me pestering her every couple of days about duplicates, right? :-)
Posted 2024-December-02, 20:43
Posted 2024-December-04, 09:50
mycroft, on 2024-December-02, 18:51, said:
You do know that my "prestigious" role was just assigned to me because Diana Eva was tired of me pestering her every couple of days about duplicates, right? :-)
I doubt that was the only reason, Diana Eva is a well meaning soul. And if she was that sensitive to pestering then she would have had them restore the tricks function to Dealer years ago