This is from the B team in an inter-county teams-of-eight competition.
2♠ was announced as "weak". 2NT was not alerted, but was lebensohl; EW have the agreement that doubler always bids 3♣.
West called the director at the end of the auction, and said that 2NT should have been alerted. South was offered the chance to change his final pass, but declined.
Can't remember what the table score was; I think it went one off. Director ruled that there was UI which suggested 4♥, and that pass was a logical alternative, so adjusted the score to 3NTx-2.
West initially wanted to appeal, on the basis that AI from the anti-systemic 3NT made it clear that East had forgotten, but decided not to risk his deposit since the match wasn't at stake.
What would you do in an AC?
-----2♠ dbl pass
2NT pass 3NT dbl
4♥ all pass