hotShot, on Feb 21 2010, 05:15 AM, said:
5♥ makes, so bidding 5♠ was a good choice. No damage.
was West allowed to bid 5♥? The missing alert on 3♦ is UI.
West could bid 5♦ as choice of games and opposite a weak NT I won't rule out pass as a LA. If the transfer only promised 5(+) cards 5♥ might be an LA again. With 9 HCP opposite a weak NT even dbl might be a LA.
This calls for a poll.
4♠ makes and 5♦ is down 2.
While I would not allow immediate 5♥ call, I think West could run to 5♥, if 5♦ is dbled.
So I would suggest a weighted score between 4♠=, 5♦-2 and 5♠-1, weights depending on the result of the poll.
I think it is normal for good players to beat 5H on a spade lead. When North cashes a spade after winning the heart ace, South will give suit preference for diamonds, and it is easy to defeat the contract.
I agree that the likely damage is from the misuse of UI by West. He transferred to hearts at the three level opposite a presumed weak no-trump, and his partner took no action over 4S. Given that his partner is likely to have club values (he doesn't here), I think Pass is an LA. The chances of his partner having significant heart support have gone up as a result of the failure to alert, and this makes 5H demonstrably suggested. If he bids 5D, and North doubles, then he would have no great reason to pull to 5H either. So, there would certainly be some percentage of 4S making by N/S and some of 5D* - 1 by West, but probably not any of 5H.
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar