North South play Viking Precision with a 14-16 1NT. East West play SAYC. The Auction went:
1♦ was alerted (11-13HCP balanced, or 11-15HCP without a 5 card major or good 6 card Club suit) 1♥ from North was either 6+HCP with Hearts or an any shape game force. East's 2NT was not alerted. South's double showed 14-15HCP and wasn't alerted. West's 3♣ was after some thought, and at this point North asked about the 3NT. This was described in terms equivalent to "Not discussed but likely to be Spades and Clubs"
4♣ went one off, but clearly North-South can make 11 tricks in either major.
North says that with an explanation of what East had she would have bid 3♠ and been raised to 4♠ making an overtrick. The explanation made it difficult to bid Spades and had thus been damaging.
I was asked to give a ruling so I asked North about the meaning of 3♥ and 3♠ bids in this auction. 3♥ is natural non-forcing. 3♠ is FG with Spades the main suit, the 1♥ with this continuation does not show Hearts. I was satisfied that East-West had no agreement as to the 2NT bid, although West should not have tried to be helpful by nominating suits.
I let the score stand as I thought it unlikely that North would overbid the hand as being FG with Spades the main suit, having made a non-forcing bid in the actual auction. My view was that the poor score was caused by not bidding 4♥ over either 3♣, or 4♣, after South failed to double that. North-South were advised of their right to appeal, but after a number of emails flying about decided not to.
If they had appealed to you - what would you have done?