Lead is 5♥. East cashes AK and plays more ♥. South plays small ♣ to the queen and plays ♦Jack.
Easts is moving his cards in hand ( West and South say that East hesitated ). East has ♦6 and ♦2 at the most left side in the cards, and preventing south from seeing that East takes a card so far left in his hand, then Easts takes his cards together and moves 2 or 3 cards to his left, and then he puts ♦ into the trick. ( I forgot to ask if he put the 2 or 6 into the trick ). East denied that he had been thinking.
South said that he was going to cash the ♦Ace if East would not cover, but when East began thinking, he changed his orginal plan. Souths comes to that conclution that East was thinking of what card to play on the Jack, and what else than the king ?. So South plays small diamond, and West cashes 3 tricks more, and plays ♠queen
Now south has 8 top tricks, but he finesses for the ♦ ten in Easts hand (because of easts previous thinking ). 7 tricks.
I ruled that E/W gets the score of 150 NS (1NT 9 tricks ). But what about South ? Does he deserve 150 ? I say no. Law 12C1B
I really thinked of ruling 7 tricks, but I came to the conclution of weigted score. 90 =50% 150= 50%. Because south did not play well at trick 4, and did not count his 8 tricks at trick 7, and no reason to think that east has the ♦10
My ruling was appealed, and the AC changed the score for NS to 150, because of South's statement of cashing the ♦A for 9 tricks if East had not hesitated.
All Pass