Posted 2010-November-17, 19:56
Have people tried to construct partner's hand? Let's assume that partner has zero club values (OP said Q/J are discounted and given RHO's clubs, partner will very unlikely to have CA), let's see.
Kxxx KQxx Kxxx x - This is ok, needing to pick up the spades.
QJxx KJxx Axxx x - This one is not good.
KJxx Axxx Kxxx x - This one is OK.
KQxx K9xx Axxx x - This one needs one or two finesses.
Jxxx AKxx Kxxx x - This one is decent.
KQxx AKxx 10xxx x - This one needs a bit of luck or a misdefence.
Note that all of these hands are in the very minimum in terms of point count.
Assuming we are forced to choose between 3 or 4, at imps this is a clear 4S for all 3 cases but at MPs I will go for the game bonus too because they might lead wrong or misdefend.
- Andy -
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