bluejak, on 2011-April-16, 16:19, said:
Well, if two calls are not simultaneous, I can imagine no possible reason to say that they are. According to the OP's description, they were not simultaneous.
When we have UI and MI problems i believe we just look at the effects, then discard the ones that are less favourable to the non-offending side as "no damage". I think that is what Frances is referring to.
But with these book ruling types, a lot of people have suggested over the years taking them in order they happened. It may be best, but we have no authority that I know of to tell us.
As a practical matter, suppose you consider taking them in order then taking them in reverse order. If one makes no sense at all, try doing the other and assume no-one will challenge you!
When we have UI and MI problems i believe we just look at the effects, then discard the ones that are less favourable to the non-offending side as "no damage". I think that is what Frances is referring to.
But with these book ruling types, a lot of people have suggested over the years taking them in order they happened. It may be best, but we have no authority that I know of to tell us.
As a practical matter, suppose you consider taking them in order then taking them in reverse order. If one makes no sense at all, try doing the other and assume no-one will challenge you!

The problem when taking them in the order is that first you give west the possibility to accept south BOOT. If he does, he is still not allowed to bid, because now we have top apply 29 on north BOOT. Now east knows that west wanted to accept the first BOOT. Is that information AI? Normally East has to make his decision without consulting west, but now he has information from west....
If west actually bids after accepting 1♥ he makes another BOOT since he was not allowed to bid. Say he bids 2♦, what about law 29 now? We still have to give east the opportunity to accept 1♠. But can he do that? And if he does, he will be forced to pass what about the 2♦ bid what is the status of that? Taking the BOOT's in the order they happened will lead to absurd situations every time west wants to accept 1♥. Taking them in reverse order ends up with only perfectly normal situations so that must be preferred.