T1: ♠J, 4, 3, A
T2: ♣6, ♠2, A, 9
T3: ♥4, 3, K, A
T4: ♥Q, ♠5, 5, ♦7!!!!
T5: ♥J, ♦4, 8, T
Now north continues a heart, and declarer claims 10, adjusted to 8 by the playing director due to the "-2 for revoke and subsequently winning tricks." South asks for a ruling (to be given after everyone -- in particular the director -- has played the board). NS +50
If you want comments from the players, North pointed out the revoke as soon as West claimed, and South called the director.
North is a mediocre club player, obviously flummoxed by (and indignant about) the revoke, and he says "well, when he shows out of hearts, I thought 1♥ could have been a psyche, so I thought partner had a lot of hearts over there." When you ask him what he thought when declarer showed up with the T, he says "well I didn't know what was going on at that point."
South says "we obviously were damaged, since if there was no revoke, partner will cash ♥QJ and shift to a pointed suit, probably a spade since I played the ♣9, suit preference, though it's not clear that partner ever pays attention to such things." South thinks NS is entitled to 3 hearts, 2 spades, and 2 diamonds. NS +150
West says "I revoked, but you can't just stop playing bridge, and leading a heart is just ridiculous. The defense was so terrible, I think the contract should be making to be honest, but at the very least NS deserve no further adjustment" NS -400/+50.