pet peeve thread
Posted 2012-February-07, 17:20
Naturally I promoted Bridge as the perfect vehicle.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2012-February-07, 17:22
Trinidad, on 2012-February-07, 16:31, said:
Sorry, didn't expect "everybody" to be taken literally.
Posted 2012-February-07, 18:36
barmar, on 2012-February-07, 12:37, said:
I'll bet there were people who said the same thing about young people not being able to start fires by rubbing sticks together -- they'll be screwed if they run out of matches. Somehow we survived the loss of that knowledge.
I was a Boy Scout. I can (probably) still start a fire by rubbing sticks together.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-February-07, 18:53
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-February-07, 18:55
ggwhiz, on 2012-February-07, 17:20, said:
Isn't it ironic...
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-February-07, 19:07
mgoetze, on 2012-February-07, 18:53, said:
Maybe he wanted the penny more than the softdrink.
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-February-07, 19:11
When I finished 8th grade in 1952 I believe that the large majority of the class understood the meaning of percentages. My parents, with their grade school education knew the meaning of percentages. It would appear that a secretary of the Navy and an editor at the Washington Post do not. The issue is absolutely not whether they calculate by hand or by machine.
Often, people just don't care whether the numbers add up. As the old saying goes, 67% of the statistics you are given are made up on the spot.
Posted 2012-February-08, 13:01
Vampyr, on 2012-February-07, 17:22, said:
No problem, but for me it is important to realize that the whole world is not made up of bridge players who can calculate the odds for a 2-3 split or an onside queen and compare it to the odds for a 4-3 split. At one end of the spectrum we have geeky folks with PhD's in Math or Engineering that post on BBF. On the other end of the spectrum there are folks that cannot learn to write, read or add 4 to 7. It is important to me that these people, who deviate as much from "normal" as some of the geeks here, belong to "everybody".
Call it one of my pet peeves.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not Eureka! (I found it!), but Thats funny Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2012-February-09, 09:54
Richie Aprile: I'm workin' with Junior on this.
Tony Soprano: I don't give a ***** if you're workin' with Wal-Mart. Knock it the ***** off.
Richie Aprile: It's just a little coke. What is the big deal?
Tony Soprano: You and my uncle - you deal drugs, it's your business. You do it on association garbage routes, it's my ***** business. It stops today. You got it? (Richie stares at Tony.)
Tony Soprano: Don't give me your ***** Manson lamps; just ***** stop. And another thing, don't tip a truck on a problem customer. You know, I ***** hate the way you make me ***** ride you. Now get the ***** out of here!
Posted 2012-February-16, 05:35
Posted 2012-February-16, 06:00
George Carlin
Posted 2012-February-16, 10:51
kenberg, on 2012-February-06, 15:30, said:
Reminds me of a year ago when they raised the state income tax in Illinois. The old rate was 3%. The new rate is 5%. Naturally the supporters of the change called it a 2% increase, while opponents called it a 66% increase.
Posted 2012-February-20, 13:29
In bridge I have a few.
1. People who come to me when I am directing (these often happen to be those people mentioned above) when I am setting up, which is the busiest time, asking me where could I get a seat that is a sitting pair, not switching or at most switching only one time instead of every other round, near the window because of whatever reason, NS because it is their lucky direction, cool enough but not directly under the aircon, then best of all complaining that they do not want Pair 13 the unlucky number which is one of the only three sitting pairs (the Director table being one of them) such that the last sitting pair has been comfortably seated there since the club opened that night. Please, I can't possibly ask them to move away right? And for the record, my master, the Director who trained me, is 70+ this year and I have never had such nonsense from her.
2. Players treating Directors / caddies like maids to order, for water / drinks, to babysit children, and so on. With a bad attitude and tone, oh, because they are older and therefore we should respect them. Sure. You are so worth my respect. Of course I must respect you.
3. When I play with weaker players tutoring them, I explain something, they argue back, without thinking, as a reflex of defending themselves. I have already asserted firmly with 100% certainty and they still need to argue back. Some people simply do not understand the difference between textbook and judgment situations.
Posted 2012-March-04, 23:01
(1) topics on religion.
(2) topics on cheating at bridge, these both bring no 3 out of the woodwork.
(3) people who post and have no sense of humour.
Posted 2012-March-04, 23:09
Xiaolongnu, on 2012-February-20, 13:29, said:
What is this idea, and how does it work?
London UK
Posted 2012-March-05, 18:31
blackshoe, on 2012-February-07, 18:36, said:
The girl scouts are more interesting - they can start a fire just by rubbing a boy.
Posted 2012-March-07, 13:28
barmar, on 2012-February-08, 11:33, said:
I'm curious. Was this a joke?
Oh, and at risk of completely de-railing the thread, my pet peeve: people who are very politically partisan. Even the sentence "I'm a democrat" or "I'm a tory" annoys me coming from a member of the public.
Posted 2012-March-07, 16:11
broze, on 2012-March-07, 13:28, said:
No. Suppose you write something like "Everyone does XXX" in an online forum. There will always be some pedantic nitwit who responds to this to point out the exceptions.
For example, I wrote "always" in that sentence, and now someone should point out that it doesn't really happen 100% of the time, just to prove my point. But if no one does, it doesn't disprove it, either.