Playing matchpoints your partner opens a weak NT. Your agreements allow you to transfer to hearts or to diamonds. If you transfer to diamonds your partner will bid 3♦ with Qxx or better, and 3♣ otherwise.
Which do you choose, and what's your follow up plan?
Quartic says "Playing matchpoints your partner opens a weak NT. Your agreements allow you to transfer to hearts or to diamonds. If you transfer to diamonds your partner will bid 3♦ with Qxx or better, and 3♣ otherwise. Which do you choose, and what's your follow up plan?"
IMO it depends on your methods. And how frightened you are of competition. Opponents always seem to bid 4♠, no matter what they hold.
Some pairs have conventions that show 5+5+ at a low level. With no special understanding IMO...
4♦ (transfer) or 4♥ (natiural) = 10, 2N (transfer) = 9, 2♦ (transfer) = 7.
4♦ normally gives up on ♦ as trumps, but seems a practical effort at match-pointed pairs.
An advantage of 2N is when LHO bids the inevitable 4♠ you can try 4N, hoping that partner will interpret it as suggesting a hand suitable for play in another suit .