MP pairs.
South asked the meaning of 2♠ before bidding, and was told "strong".
At the end of the auction East volunteered a correction of the misexplanation and said the overcall was weak. The TD was called.
What the TD actually did was to reopen the auction, but he went back too far so that North got to play the hand in 3♥ making ten tricks for a top. I explained where he had gone wrong, and that the first thing he should do is try to establish EW's actual agreement. This is not the club's strong game, and no one carries a convention card, so I said he should try to work out if the bid or the explanation was wrong, and lean towards the latter if it's not clear.
Suppose he decides now it was an incorrect explanation, gives South the chance to take her final call back (declined), so EW play in 3♠ making either eight or nine tricks for a top their way (at all other tables NS made a part-score in hearts).
Is there any grounds for awarding an adjusted score?