2♦ 23+ or game force
3♦ alerted and explained as at least 5-5 in the Majors
Director is first called after dummy is faced with South complaining that there has been misinformation and that they would never have been in 6♥.
Director ruled that play should continue and that he should be called back at the end of the hand if N/S feel that they may have been damaged.
Shortly thereafter the Director is called back to the table when Declarer has made 11 tricks.
Investigation reveals that A♦ won the first trick (throwing a ♣), followed by the Q♠ covered by the K♠ and won with A♠
Thereafter ♥ were played from the top and ultimately lost the last 2 tricks.
All that was required to make the contract was to cross to dummy with one of the ♥ entries and play East for K♣
So how do you rule?