GIB Release Notes - updated with each new version A place to keep track of GIB upgrades
Posted 2012-March-13, 09:49
Posted 2012-March-13, 10:46
so if you happen to open light in 3rd seat you can end up in the stratosphere.
Posted 2012-March-13, 14:28
Posted 2012-March-13, 14:30
diana_eva, on 2012-March-13, 03:08, said:
I think he means something analogous to the detailed system notes:
Posted 2012-March-16, 23:35
Posted 2012-March-17, 10:37
jvscibel, on 2012-March-16, 23:35, said:
GIB's playing code contains very few rules, it's almost all done on the basis of simulations based on the bidding.
I find that it does often lead my suit, unless it has a holding in another suit that it thinks is better. Unfortunately, it often thinks that leading a doubleton of declarer's first suit is a good lead; it seems to be quite optimistic about being able to get a ruff before declarer can draw trumps.
Posted 2012-April-18, 03:43
Main Changes:
- A 1NT overcall in sandwich position (eg. 1C-P-1H-1N)) is now natural (15-17) by an unpassed hand, unusual otherwise.
- GIB will be more eager in making weak 2 Major openings.
Some other Changes:
- Tweaked some explanations to improve accuracy.
- GIB will no longer consider passing in Lebensohl after a new suit bid at 3rd level from partner (i.e. 1N – 2H – 3D – pass – ?).
- Fixed issue where GIB would cuebid or bid NT with a natural suit, instead of making a natural forcing bid (i.e. 1D - 1S - pass - 3H).
- 4th seat Double is now ignored and opener's rebid will be interpreted as natural (even if it is in one of the two suits promised by Double). However over a 4th seat sandwich NT, opener's rebid in one of the suits promised by the sandwich NT will be interpreted as a cuebid.
- Example:
- 1D – pass – 1H – Double (showing 4+S 4+C). Now 2C shows natural clubs.
- 1C – pass – 1S – Double (showing 4+H 4+D). Now 2H show natural reverse and strong hand.
- Pass - 1D – pass – 1S – 1NT (Sandwich NT by passed hand, showing 5+C and 5+H). Now 2C/2H will be cuebid showing 4+S and strong opening hand.
- Fixed a bug where 2NT was incorrectly used to ask for the second suit after a Michaels cuebid promising both majors is made.
- GIB's evaluation logic for making a 2C opening bid has been improved for unbalanced hands that cannot be opened 2nt, but are too good for a jump rebid in the opening suit.
- After a 2NT opening and a transfer, GIB will now show another new suit only if he holds a better hand. Otherwise he will pass or bid 3NT.
- You can expect GIB to be more consistent as both opener and responder in inverted minor sequences. With stoppers in all unbid suits, GIB will bid NT. With an unbalanced hand, GIB will now bid the closest new unbid suit to indicate a stopper there.
- After a 2C opening, GIB responder who is able to make a positive response will also show his distribution better. Eg: 2C - 2H - 2S - ? Now GIB responder will bid his 2nd suit if he has one instead of just shooting for slam immediately.
- GIB will be smarter after an invitational 2NT; he'll either rebid opener’s suit, or accept the invite.
- Opener's responses after a cuebid showing limit raise have been improved.
- GIB will now take losers into account when opening preemptive 4M in 1st and 2nd seat.
- GIB used to rush into 3NT after a Stayman sequence with 8-9 HCP. Newly improved GIB will be smarter about using invitational 2NT first.
John Nelson.
Posted 2012-April-18, 09:57
Posted 2012-April-18, 19:38
Rain, on 2012-April-18, 03:43, said:
What are GIB's new criteria for these bids? Will the system notes and/or convention card need updating?
Posted 2012-April-20, 13:33
Turning GIB rules into an FD card is totally impactical. GIB's rules are based on pattern matching, FD is exact bidding sequences.
Posted 2012-April-20, 13:44
barmar, on 2012-April-20, 13:33, said:
GIB's convention card says "normally good 6-card suit" and the systems notes say "Disciplined, with honors in the suit". Are you not able to define "a little more liberal" so that we know what does or does not qualify?
Posted 2012-April-20, 21:54
Rain, on 2012-April-18, 03:43, said:
I don't understand this one. Is it opener or responder who bids the invitational 2NT in the sequences you're talking about? Does this mean that you've added "rebid opener's suit" as an option in addition to passing or bidding 3N, or that there are only two choices, neither of which is pass?
Posted 2012-April-21, 00:21
Bbradley62, on 2012-April-20, 21:54, said:
Responder's 2NT as invite and therefore how again Responder treats the rebiding one of mentioned suits previously.
In example:
1♦ - 1♠
2♣ - 2N
3♣ - to be clear NF and GIB won't simulate over this as trying to guess for "hidden" reserves.
Posted 2012-April-29, 21:53
Rain, on 2012-April-18, 03:43, said:
Why not here? #7667 ACBL Robot Duplicate (12 Boards) - Matchpoints
Posted 2012-May-04, 13:37
Georgi, why did you make this require 13+? And the rule for 2♠ has 13+ HCP in its criteria, and shows "forcing to 3NT", but doesn't show 13+ HCP. Since GIB mostly ignores the "forcing to" part of the specification, saying it's forcing to 3NT doesn't mean much.
Posted 2012-May-04, 13:48
barmar, on 2012-May-04, 13:37, said:
Is it not standard to bid 2NT with both suits stopped and not enough for game and to bid 3NT with both suits stopped and enough for game?
Posted 2012-May-04, 14:02
Bbradley62, on 2012-May-04, 13:48, said:
That's how I play it. That's why I asked Georgi why he wrote the new rules this way, to require GF strength for both 2{SP] and 2NT.