Nice hand. So I opened one simple ♠. It went Pass - 3♠(limit) - Pass.
To me an obvious 4♥ cue bid.
Partner bid 4♠. All Pass. Way too much danger of wasted ♦ cards to press on, imo. Possibly you disagree. It's you turn, and you gotta bid.
Partner had:
The ace of ♣ was led.
My problem is not with partner's bidding or with missing a (very probably) makeable slam. It is with my pick up partner's comment after the hand. Remember, this guy was totally unknown to me, but he proved on other hands he could play bridge. After the hand, he said " I didn't know if your 4♥ bid was a splinter or a cue bid".
WTF is going on? In my world, splinters are Al Roth picture bids. They use otherwise (nearly) idle bids to show specific hands. The remainder of bidding structure remains intact. This guy seemed to be a decent player, but his comment suggests to me that his mentors are no good. Am I right, or wrong?