jvage, on 2015-February-11, 12:03, said:
I definitely made bigger mistakes during the weekend, but this was one of the most costly. My choice also cost the match, although that is not so important with the actual series-format. We came 5 out of 12, our opponents in this match won the event, congratulations to Geir Helgemo, Christer Kristoffersen, Espen Lindqvist, Boye Brogeland, Erik Sĉlensminde and Rune Hauge!
At the table I bid 5♦, at the other table they passed after the same bidding. Partner had x, AKQ9x, Qxx, KJxx and 5♦ was 1 down after a singleton clublead (3 clublosers), hearts were 4-4 and in 4♥ there was 11 tricks. RHO had to lead the ♣A and another to hold it to 10. At the table I thought it was close, but was afraid of too many heartlosers (4 or more in hearts and the minors combined) and was dreaming about slam if parter got the perfect hand. He would for example probably raise to slam with the same hand with the A instead of KJ in clubs, which would be excellent, normally making 13 tricks, while 4♥ could go down after a clublead.
Afterwards partner regretted not doubling, allowing me to bid 3NT, but I find his 4♥ OK and would probably bid the same (this is partly a matter of style). The reason I afterwards thought bidding 5♦ was a mistake is that the 4 relatively small clubs may too often give you problems in 5♦ and your third spade may also be a problem, RHO wil often be able to overruff partner. Even if they have no clubruff you will often need good hearts by partner to get rid of enough losers. And if his hearts are good 4♥ is normally a good contract.
The opps pre-empt with 3
♠ and you are beating up on yourself on a hand where hearts were 4-4? Even with an aggressive, imaginative preemptor, the odds of hearts being 4-4 must be miniscule.
Meanwhile, you went down in an excellent contract. You lose only when LHO has a club ruff coming. Now, admittedly he may often find a club from xx, but why can't he have a stiff honour (cold) or Qx or Ax (cold) or find a non-club....or you find partner with x AKJxx Qxx KQxx? Or x AKQxx Qxx Axxx?
I think you are being too hard on yourself. Of course, I bid 5
♦ as well, so maybe I am just trying to avoid admitting I made an error
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari