Posted 2015-April-13, 18:07
1. Pass. Sure, we 'might' have a diamond partial but we might well have nothing at all. A lot depends on the inferences available from East's pass of 2♠. However, West's pull to 3♣ suggests that he has 5 spades and 3 clubs (with a constructive hand), and was afraid his partner might play him for Jxxxxxx or so in spades, and have passed 2♠ with shortness. If so, then opener could have 4 spades, and now we may have no playable fit. Btw, having a gap between the top of your 1N and the bottom of your 1♣, especially a 1 point gap, seems sub-optimal. May I suggest 14-16 1N and 11-13 1N rebids?
2. A double is attractive, especially at mps, since partner will often be able to convert, but it is top-bottom bridge, and I am not a fan of rolling the dice even at mps.
3. 4♥. Style someone who has played a lot of weak notrump, I love opps who make wide-ranging natural belief is that the range for overcalling a weak 1n should be the same, if not stronger, then that over a strong 1N.
4. Pass. When we double a weak 1N, and partner pulls.....he is WEAK. A useful rule of thumb is that he should be passing with all 5 counts, and a lot of 4 counts. Once in a while they can make, but let them work it out. This is an area where I am happy to roll the dice, because in my experience, the opps often get it wrong.
5. Pass. I think doubling 2♥ for takeout was insane, fwiw. As the auction suggests, it may well be that one of your sides best fits was in hearts....but don't worry....LHO was never passing 2♥ anyway, not if he is bidding 2N (!) over your value-showing takeout double of hearts.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Hand 1.
OK, my actions may be questionable up to this point, but what now? Double now would be penalty
IMO, Pass = 10, 3♦ = 7.
Action is fraught when you know so little about partner's hand.